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Man Skates Across Canada

Man Skates Across Canada

News For Kids

2021/09/14 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Hi everyone! Do you like riding a bicycle? Or maybe a skateboard?

What about in-line skating? Have you ever tried it?

In-line skating 就是溜直排輪. It's fun. But be careful not to crash into anything!

In Canada, there's a man called Zach, who must really like skating. 加拿大有個叫Zach的人超愛溜直排輪。

He skated from one side of Canada, all the way to the other side! From the west to the east! 他從加拿大西岸一路溜到東岸。 And Canada is a really big country!

Zach's sister, Rachel, went with him, she was driving behind him in a van. Zach 的家人開車跟在後面。

From start to finish, their journey took almost 3 months, and was over 10,000 kilometers! 他們這趟旅行全程超過一萬公里,花了3個月。

That's a new world record for skating! 那是世界新紀錄!

They did it for two reasons. The first was to have fun! 他們想這麼做,原因之一就是為了好玩!

The second reason was to raise awareness for the environment and for bees. 第二個原因是提升大家對環境保護和蜜蜂的認知。

Zach says bees are so important for the environment. If we can help bees, we can help everyone!

Great job Zach and Rachel. And congratulations on breaking the skating record!



  1. Journey 旅行。
    The journey took Zach 90 days. 那一趟旅行花了札克九十天。
    It's actually shorter than I thought. 其實比我想像的少。
    Me too. I thought the journey would take at least half a year. 我也是。我以為那趟行程至少要半年。

  2. Reason 理由。
    Zach's reasons are interesting. 札克的理由很有趣。
    What are his reasons? 他的理由是什麼?
    For fun and for raising awareness for bees! 為了好玩,也為了提升大家對蜜蜂的意識。

  3. West 西邊,East 東邊。
    There's a lot more air pollution in the west than in the east. 西部的空氣汙染比東部多好多。
    That's true. 這是真的。
    I think it's because all the big cities are in the west. 我想是因為大城市都在西邊。

journey 旅行
reason 理由
west 西邊
east 東邊


  1. What did Zach use to break a world record?
    a. A big car
    b. In-line skates
    c. A bicycle

  2. What journey did Zach make?
    a. He went from one side of Canada to the other side
    b. He went from Taipei to Kaohsiung
    c. He went all the way around Hong Kong

  3. Why did he make the journey?
    a. Because he doesn't like skating
    b. To help bees and the environment, and to have fun
    c. Because he didn't have a car

1: B
2: A
3: B