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The Vegetarian City

The Vegetarian City

News For Kids

2021/11/25 | 00:05:36 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Do you know anybody who doesn't eat meat? Or maybe you don't eat meat.
你認識吃素的人嗎? 還是你自己就不吃肉?

A person who doesn't eat meat is a vegetarian.

Many restaurants have vegetarian dishes. There are also some restaurants that only serve vegetarian dishes.

But did you know there's also a whole city that's vegetarian?

A whole city that only serves vegetarian dishes! No meat at all! Wow!

The city is in India and it's called Varanasi.

Varanasi is a very special place. It's one of the oldest cities in the whole world.

People have lived there for thousands of years and people still live there now!

It's also where the oldest religion in the world Hinduism started!

Many people visit Varanasi because of its history. So restaurants used to serve dishes with meat to the visitors.
它吸引很多觀光客, 所以餐廳以前的菜單當然包含肉類。

But many of the people who live in Varanasi do not eat meat. Then a couple of years ago they made it a rule not to serve or eat meat in their city anymore. Now it's a vegetarian city! It's another reason why Varanasi really is a special place!


  1. Vegetarian 素食者。
    I could never be a vegetarian. 我永遠做不成吃素的人。
    Because you love meat too much? 因為你太喜歡吃肉嗎?
    Exactly. Meat tastes so much better! 正是,肉美味得多了。

  2. Meat 肉類。
    So what's your favorite meat dish? 所以你最喜歡的肉類菜色是什麼?
    That's a hard one. 這有點難。
    Maybe sweet and sour pork and beef noodles. 也許是甜酸肉跟牛肉麵。

  3. Religion 宗教。
    Many people don't eat meat because of their religion. 很多人不吃肉是因為宗教信仰。
    That's true. 這是真的。

  4. Serve 供應食物。
    This looks like a nice place. 這家看起來不錯。
    I hope they serve good food. 我希望他們供應好吃的東西。

Let's read the words together.
vegetarian 素食者
meat 肉
religion 宗教
serve 供應食物


  1. What city is the story about?
    A: Varanasi
    B: Mexico City
    C: Beijing

  2. What country is this city in?
    A: Japan
    B: Russia
    C: India

  3. What can you not eat in this city?
    A: Potatoes
    B: Sweetcorn
    C: Chicken

  4. A
  5. C
  6. C