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Airplane Uses Plants to Fly

Airplane Uses Plants to Fly

News For Kids

2022/02/28 | 00:05:27 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


When people take trips, they often go on airplanes. Planes are very fast and convenient.

But there is a big problem with them. They make a lot of pollution. This is because of jet fuel. Jet fuel creates a lot of pollution.

But there is some good news! Companies are making a special jet fuel from plants.

Last December, a plane used this special type of jet fuel. This jet fuel is made from corn. Yes, corn… the yellow vegetable a lot of people like to eat.

The plane flew from one city to another in America using this special jet fuel. It was the first time a plane used jet fuel made from a plant.

So, the plane made history. If something "makes history," it is the first time it is ever done.

Jet fuel made from plants is very clean. This means it doesn't hurt the environment.

Let's hope that more planes can use this special jet fuel. If more planes can fly with this type of jet fuel, the world will be a cleaner place. That would be great!


  1. Plane 飛機。
    I'm going to Taitung by plane tonight. 我今天晚上搭飛機去台東。
    By plane? Most people are taking trains now. 搭飛機?大部分人現在都坐火車了。

  2. Fuel 燃料。
    Is natural gas a clean fuel? 天然瓦斯是乾淨的燃料嗎?
    Well, it's cleaner than gasoline. 這個嘛,它比汽油乾淨。

  3. Plant 植物。
    Fuels made from plants are even better. 用植物做的燃料更好。
    What kind of plants? 哪種植物呢?
    Like corn, sunflower and soybean. 例如玉米,向日葵和大豆。

  4. Clean 乾淨的。
    Clean fuels produce less greenhouse gases. 乾淨燃料產生的溫室氣體比較少。
    Electricity is also a clean fuel, right? 電力也是乾淨燃料,對嗎?
    Right! 對的。

plane 飛機
fuel 燃料
plant 植物
clean 乾淨的


  1. What was the special jet fuel made from?
    A: A drink
    B: A meat
    C: A vegetable

  2. What country did the plane fly in?
    A: The United States
    B: Canada
    C: Mexico

  3. What does "make history" mean?
    A: Study the past
    B: Do something for the first time
    C: Help the environment


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B