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Scallops Love Bright Lights

Scallops Love Bright Lights

News For Kids

2022/11/25 | 00:05:07 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Oh hey there! I'm just having a little party, hold on… That's better!

I love hosting dance parties. When I do, I hang a disco ball from the ceiling. The light is reflected all over the room! It's so pretty! Everyone likes shiny things.

You know what other animal likes shiny things? Scallops!

Scientists found out that scallops really like bright, shining light. And if lights are added to traps under the ocean, the scallops swim into the traps all by themselves!

It makes fishing for scallops a lot easier!

This is also a lot better for the environment, because fishermen don't need to use nets.

Nets sometimes accidentally trap other fish and sea creatures that they don't want.

According to one scientist, fishing for scallops with lights is like "a scallop disco." How fun!

If the scallops like bright lights like people do, maybe scientists should try playing some disco music underwater too.

I wonder if that would attract even more scallops!


  1. party 派對
    Wow, bright and shiny earrings! 哇,閃閃發光的耳環!
    Going to a party tonight? 今天晚上要去參加派對嗎?
    No, no partying. 不了,不去派對。
    But I do like these earrings. 不過我真喜歡這對耳環。

  2. sea 海洋
    If you put them in the sea, you can catch scallops. 假如你把耳環放在海裡,可以捉到扇貝。
    I love scallops. They're delicious. 我喜歡扇貝,很好吃。
    But I'll buy them at the market. 但是我會在菜場買。

  3. swim 游泳
    Something is swimming underwater. 有東西在水裡游。
    I think it's a crab. 我覺得是一隻螃蟹。

  4. net 網子
    How should I get it out? 要怎麼把牠弄出來?
    I'm not a fisherman. 我不是漁夫。
    Just use a net. 就用個網子吧。

party 派對
sea 海洋
swim 游泳
net 網子


  1. What kind of sea creature is in the story?
    A: Scallops
    B: Fish
    C: Sharks

  2. What are these sea creatures attracted to?
    A: Bright lights
    B: Loud noises
    C: People

  3. Why is fishing like this better?
    A: It's better for crabs
    B: It's better for the environment
    C: It's better for scallops


  1. A
  2. A
  3. B