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Sounds Can Make You Happy

Sounds Can Make You Happy

News For Kids

2021/11/17 | 00:05:29 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Do you hear that? It's the sound of waves on the beach. How does it make you feel? Pretty good, right?

Let's listen to another sound. Oh, I love the sound of birds singing. It makes me feel so relaxed.

Why am I playing you these sounds? It's because I want to tell you about a survey.

The survey was done by a company that sells mostly glasses. The company also sells things to help people hear better, called hearing aids. The company wanted to know the sounds that make people feel happy.

One of the sounds was a waterfall.

Another sound that made people feel happy was trees blowing in the wind.

Another was the sound of rain on a window.

People also liked fish jumping out of water.

Some people get happy when they hear the sound of a train.

Others like the sound of a drink being poured… 倒飲料…

…Or an airplane.

Do you know what sound makes people the happiest? It's a song they like.

So, if you want to be happy… listen to music on ICRT!


  1. Play 播放。
    Would you play some Disney songs for me? 你可以幫我放幾首迪士尼的歌嗎?
    Sure. I can also play "Toy Story", your favorite. 當然,我還可以放[玩具總動員],你最喜歡的。

  2. Music 音樂。
    That movie has lovely music. 那部電影有美妙的音樂。
    All Disney movies have good music. 所有迪士尼電影都有好聽音樂。

  3. Sounds of nature 大自然的聲音。
    What sounds of nature do you like, Jane? 你喜歡哪些大自然的聲音?
    I like birds' singing and crickets' sounds. 我喜歡鳥叫聲,還有蟋蟀的聲音。

  4. Hear 聽到。
    So you feel happy when you hear it? 所以你聽到時會開心?
    Sometimes I feel sad. 有時候會覺得悲傷。

So what music do you like? Let's read today's vocabulary.
play 播放
music 音樂
sounds of nature 大自然的聲音
hear 聽到


  1. What sound was NOT played?
    A: An airplane flying
    B: Dogs barking
    C: Birds singing

  2. What kind of company did the survey?
    A: A company that sells glasses
    B: A company that sells music
    C: A company that helps nature

  3. What sound makes people the happiest?
    A: Waves of the ocean
    B: Rain on the window
    C: A song they like

  4. B
  5. A
  6. C