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The Racehorse With a Super Long Name

The Racehorse With a Super Long Name

News For Kids

2021/12/17 | 00:05:29 | SoundOn #education

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Go number 7! Come on lucky number 7! Yeah! My horse won!

In some countries, people enjoy watching horse races.

In Japan, horse racing is super popular!

One horse in Japan is getting very famous… and yes, the horse is a winner…

But it is famous because it has a super long name… I mean… super long!

The horse's name is … Sumomomomomomomomo! It's a great name, right?

Come on Sumomomomomomomomo… you can do it Sumomomomomomomomo!"

The name comes from a Japanese 'tongue twister'.

A tongue twister is something hard to say… like 吃葡萄要吐葡萄皮。

The Japanese tongue twister means, "plums and peaches are both peaches."

Sumomomomomomomomo, easy, yeah? Ha!

Some people on the radio or TV are having a hard time saying the horse's name.

Can you imagine having to say the name many times in a row?

Okay, one more time…


Sumomomomomomomomo, coming around the track…




  1. Race 比賽。
    Have you ever been to a horse race? 你有沒有去看過賽馬?
    Yes I have! The Kentucky Derby many years ago. 有,很多年前有看過肯塔基州賽馬。
    Wow, that's one of the biggest horse races in the U.S.! 那是美國最大的賽馬之一!

  2. Horse 馬。
    You can see many beautiful horses at a horse race. 你在賽馬時會看到很多漂亮的馬。Nice. I like horses. 真好,我喜歡馬。

  3. Peach 水蜜桃。
    Japanese people love peaches. 日本人很喜歡水蜜桃。
    So do I. 我也喜歡。
    Peaches are pretty and delicious. 桃子好看又美味。

  4. Have a hard time 有困難。
    I had a hard time learning chess. 我學西洋棋學得好累。
    I have a hard time with it even now. 我到現在都覺得它很難。

race 比賽
horse 馬
peach 水蜜桃
have a hard time 有困難


  1. What is a tongue twister?
    A: A sentence or sounds that are hard to say
    B: A kind of tornado
    C: A kind of horse race

  2. What country is mentioned in the story?
    A: Thailand
    B: Indonesia
    C: Japan

  3. What's the name of the horse in the story?
    A: Sumomomomomomomomo
    B: Sumeeeetooobooomoomooo
    C: Superhorse

1: A
2: C
3: A