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Elderly Taiwanese Form E-Sports Team

Elderly Taiwanese Form E-Sports Team

News For Kids

2023/02/22 | 00:05:14 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Almost got it… Oh no! Better luck next time. Do you like video games? Online games are my favorite.

With online games, you can play against gamers from around the world. Some gamers even play on professional e-sports teams.

Most e-sports gamers are young. But recently, a new e-sports team was formed in Taiwan. This team is special, because all of its players are over sixty years old.

Mrs. Chiang is one of them. She lives in New Taipei City, and she's 65 years old. A year ago, she knew nothing about computers. She decided to try gaming, and she loved it.
其中一個隊員是蔣太太。她住在新北市,今年六十五歲。一年前,她對電腦一無所知。 她決定試試看打電動,結果她很喜歡。

Now, Mrs. Chiang practices for five hours every week. She says gaming is good for her brain, and especially for the use of her hands. She must think and move quickly to control the game.

Recently, she played her first E-sports tournament. Her team did not win, but Mrs. Chiang still didn't give up.

For Mrs. Chiang, gaming is a way to learn about technology and keep her mind sharp. As long as she looks after her eyes and hands, she'll be playing video games for years!


  1. team 隊伍
    Hey, you're playing League of Legends! 嘿,你在玩英雄聯盟!
    Yeah, now please stop talking. 沒錯,現在不要講話。
    My team has to win this game! 我們隊一定要贏這一場!

  2. practice 練習
    Oh, no no no ! 不要啊!
    So you've lost? 所以你們輸掉了?
    We did. 沒錯。
    We didn't practice enough. 我們練習得不夠。

  3. world 世界
    But we were up against the best players in the world. 不過我們是對抗全世界最棒的玩家。
    In the world? 全世界嗎?
    Of course. 當然啦。

  4. hand 手
    Those players moved their hands much more quickly. 那些玩家的手動作快很多。
    But you guys have a better brain. 但是你們的腦袋比較好。
    Probably not. 可能沒有。

team 隊伍
practice 練習
world 世界
hand 手


  1. What is the name for professional online gaming?
    A: E-sports
    B: Game sports
    C: Net sports

  2. How much time does Mrs. Chiang practice each week?
    A: 1 hour
    B: 5 hours
    C: 10 hours

  3. What does Mrs. Chiang think gaming is good for?
    A: Her heart
    B: Her brain
    C: Her mood


  1. A
  2. B
  3. B