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School Designed for Dogs

School Designed for Dogs

News For Kids

2022/01/17 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

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I love going to the park with my dog. It's fun to see him run around with other dogs and enjoy the space outdoors.

I wish I could take my dog everywhere. Not just to parks and beaches, but to indoor places as well… Such as restaurants, museums … and school!

But I guess most indoor places won't let dogs in.

Most places aren't designed for dogs. They are designed for people. And if a place is designed to be better for people, it is probably not that comfortable for dogs.

But guess what. There is a place in Spain that is designed for dogs. This place is actually a school for dogs.

Everything there is made to be good for dogs. For example, the floors are made of a material that is comfortable for a dog's feet.

Everything is lowered too so dogs can see better when they're walking around.

Dogs like to bark, and they have very sensitive ears. So the building is also made of material to help make sure noise levels aren't too high.

There should be a comfortable school for dogs in Taiwan, I would take my dog there!


  1. Design 設計。
    Look at this little house I made. 你看我做的小房子。
    Wow, is this designed for dogs? 哇,這是設計給狗狗住的嗎?
    Yeah, I designed it myself. 對,我自己設計的。

  2. Comfortable 舒服的。
    Your dog will find it very comfortable. 你的狗會覺得它很舒服。
    I find it comfortable! 我都覺得它很舒服了。

  3. Lower 降低。
    Would you please lower your speakers? 你可以把擴音器關小聲嗎?
    I'm trying to sleep. 我想睡覺。
    Sorry. I'll turn it off. 真抱歉,我來把它關掉。

  4. Material 材質。
    What material is this? 這是什麼材料?
    It's glass. 是玻璃。
    A glass T-shirt! How special!

Would you like to take your dog to school?
design 設計
comfortable 舒服的
lower 降低
material 材質


  1. Where is the school that is mentioned in the story?
    a. Taiwan
    b. Spain
    c. The U.S.

  2. What is special about this school?
    a. It's designed for dogs
    b. It's designed for people
    c. It's designed for insects

  3. The building is made of a special material to reduce…
    a. The level of noise
    b. The number of cats
    c. The amount of barking


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A