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WaterPod Makes Seawater Drinkable

WaterPod Makes Seawater Drinkable

News For Kids

2021/11/15 | 00:05:37 | SoundOn #education

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I love the sea… Blughh! But I hate getting seawater in my mouth! Eww! It tastes horrible! 大海景色優美又好玩,但是海水的味道真的很糟糕。 Yuck!

Seawater is really salty. Not only does it taste really bad, it will actually make you even more thirsty! There's just too much salt in it for our bodies. So no matter how thirsty you are, never drink from the sea!

We have so much water on earth, but 97% is salty seawater that we can't drink.

Now, some students from Malaysia have come up with a great idea. They invented something really cool called a WaterPod.

This WaterPod floats on the sea, sucks up water, and takes out the salt! People can then come to the WaterPod and pump out fresh water!

If they can make more WaterPods, they could help so many people that live near the sea but don't have easy access to clean, fresh water that they can drink.

This is a really great invention!


  1. Salt 鹽。
    Why is there salt in seawater? 為什麼海水裡有鹽?
    I think the salt comes from the stuff washed into the sea. 我想鹽是來自被沖進海水裡的物質。

  2. Seawater 海水。
    So we shouldn't drink seawater at all? 所以我們完全不該喝海水?
    No, it's not a good idea. 對,那不是好主意。

  3. Invent 發明, invention 發明。
    The WaterPod is a useful invention. WaterPod是很有用的發明。
    I hope I can invent something useful. 我希望我能發明有用的東西。

  4. Thirsty 口渴的。
    Eating hot dogs always makes me thirsty. 吃熱狗總是讓我覺得口渴。
    That's because there's too much salt in it. 那是因為它裡面太多鹽了。

salt 鹽
seawater 海水
invent 發明
invention 發明
thirsty 口渴的


  1. What is the invention called?
    A: A Sea Drinker
    B: An Ocean Swimmer
    C: A WaterPod

  2. Who invented it?
    A: Students from Malaysia
    B: Kids from South Korea
    C: Fishermen from Australia

  3. What does the invention do?
    A: It turns seawater into drinking water
    B: It makes seawater saltier
    C: It turns seawater pink


  1. C
  2. A
  3. A