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Too Much Screen Time Is Bad for You

Too Much Screen Time Is Bad for You

News For Kids

2023/03/14 | 00:05:11 | SoundOn #education

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This is my favorite show! I can watch it on my TV, my computer, my phone, my tablet… gasp The battery's run out!

Okay, I need to calm down. I know, I know. It's only a TV show. It's not a big deal.

I have very bad self-control with electronic devices. I spend too much time on them. Do you too? It's really hard to put them down!

I need to try harder though. Did you know that spending too much time on electronic devices isn't very good for your brain? It's especially bad if you're a kid.

Some scientists did some research. It showed that when little kids spend too much time staring at screens, it is bad for their brains.

The kids that used devices too much had a hard time. They couldn't stay focused, remember things, follow instructions, or control themselves well.

They were also less alert. That means they weren't very good at noticing things around them.

Well, that isn't good! I like using all of my devices. But staring at screens too long is bad for my brain. I should probably think of other things to do.

Hm… maybe I should go outside or read a book instead!


  1. stare at 盯著
    You've been staring at your cellphone for a long time. 你盯著手機好久了。
    I know. But this show is so much fun! 我知道。不過這個表演很好玩!

  2. watch 注意看
    Maybe you should watch it on TV. 也許在電視上看比較好。
    My TV is not connected to the internet. 我的電視不能上網。

  3. spend 花費
    I think I've spent 10 hours on it. 我想我花了十個鐘頭看這個節目。
    Your brain must be fried. 你的腦袋一定累壞了。

  4. brain 腦袋
    Yeah, and it becomes harder to put the phone down. 對啊,而且越來越難放下手機。
    I understand. 我懂。
    For a fried brain, we have to have fried chicken. 壞掉的腦袋一定要吃炸雞!
    Good idea! 好主意!

What words have you learned?
stare at 盯著
watch 注意看
spend 花費
brain 腦袋


  1. What does it mean if someone is "less alert"?
    A: They don't like devices
    B: They are very good at focusing
    C: They don't notice things around them

  2. What is too much screen time bad for?
    A: Your devices
    B: Your brain
    C: Your hair

  3. Which activity does not use a device?
    A: Watching TV
    B: Playing a video game
    C: Swimming in a pool


  1. C
  2. B
  3. C