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Real Money Accidentally Burned Along with Fake Money

Real Money Accidentally Burned Along with Fake Money

News For Kids

2021/11/04 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Have you ever burned ghost money? You know what ghost money is, right? This kind of money is not real money. It is fake. 紙錢不是真的錢。It is money you burn for people who are no longer alive.

People believe that if you put ghost money in fire, dead people can use it. 人們燒紙錢是給過世的親人用的。That's pretty cool!

But you don't want to accidentally burn things you don't want to burn! For example, you don't want to burn real money along with the fake ghost money! 但是要小心,不要把真的錢也給燒了!

Well, that's what happened to some people in Taiwan. They were burning a lot of ghost money. But they accidentally burned some real money too!

They burned two hundred thousand NT dollars-worth of real money! 他們燒掉了二十萬台幣的真錢! That is a lot of money.

When they found out about their mistake, they tried to take out the real money, but a lot of it burned up already. 他們發現錯誤的時候有試著把鈔票撈出來。但很多已經燒光了! So sad!

It is important to be very careful when putting things into fire. Because once it is all burned up, it's gone! 想救也救不回來。

So if you're burning ghost money, make sure to put the right things in the fire! You don't want to burn real money like these people did!


1) Ghost 鬼魂。
Did you watch that movie about ghosts? 你看了那部鬼片了嗎?
No, I don't like scary movies. 沒有,我不喜歡恐怖片。
So you're afraid of ghosts? 所以你怕鬼?
No, I'm more afraid of people. 不會,我比較怕人。

2) Real 真正的。
Because ghosts are not real? 因為鬼不是真的?
Right, ghosts are not real, but people are. 對,鬼不是真的,人卻是真的。

3) Burn 燃燒。
Do you smell that? Something is burning! 你有沒有聞到?有東西燒起來了!
I think somebody is burning paper money. 我想有人在燒紙錢。

4) Mistake 錯誤。
Oh no, I made a mistake! 糟了,我搞錯了!
The tickets are for tomorrow! 這個票是明天的。
Well, let's go home. 那我們回家吧。

Okay, let's review the words.
ghost 鬼魂
real 真正的
burn 燃燒
mistake 錯誤


  1. What is this story about?
    a. Burning ghost money
    b. Burning clothes
    c. Burning bread

  2. Who is the ghost money for?
    a. People who are no longer alive
    b. Animals
    c. Aliens

  3. How much real money was accidentally burned in this story?
    a. NT$200
    b. NT$2,000
    c. NT$200,000


  1. A
  2. A
  3. C