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Five Boys Saved from Tunnel

Five Boys Saved from Tunnel

News For Kids

2023/05/08 | 00:05:13 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


That's the sound of a fire truck. Someone needs help! Firefighters are going to help!

Firefighters help in emergencies. It can be a fire or a car crash. It's when something bad happens.

Five boys had an emergency. They needed help from firefighters. It wasn't because of a fire… They were in a sewer! Sewers are under roads. They are for dirty water. Sewers have many tunnels. The boys walked in the tunnels. They walked for 400 meters. Then they were lost!

Boys: Where are we?! HELP!


One boy had a cell phone. He called for help.

Firefighter: Hello? This is the fire department…
Boy: Help!
Firefighter: Where are you boys?
Boy: We don't know where we are right now!
Firefighter: Okay, don't worry boys, we're on our way…
Boy: Please hurry!


The firefighters drove very fast! Then they went down into the sewer. The firefighters needed help. They did not see the boys.

Firefighter: Call for help guys! We're looking for you. We want you to scream and yell!

It worked! The firefighters found the boys! The boys were lucky. No one was hurt. And the cell phone worked in the tunnel!

Do you know the emergency phone number in Taiwan? It's 1-1-9. Stay safe out there!


  1. lost 迷路的
    Hey, didn't we pass this store just 10 minutes ago? 我們不是十分鐘前才經過這家店?
    We did! Now I'm sure we're lost. 沒錯,現在我確定我們迷路了。

  2. help 幫助
    We need to get help. 我們得找人幫忙。
    Don't look at me. 你別看我。
    I didn't want to come.我本來就不想來。

  3. emergency 緊急狀況
    Let me call the emergency number. 我來打緊急電話號碼。
    But this is not an emergency! 可是我們現在並不緊急!
    We're not in danger. 我們又沒有危險。

  4. go down 往下走
    Then any smart ideas? 那你有什麼聰明主意?
    Let's just go down there. 我們就從那裏走下去吧。
    Maybe it's a subway station. 也許是個地鐵站。
    Hurray, it is! 萬歲,真的是耶!

lost 迷路的
help 幫助
emergency 緊急情況
go down 往下走


  1. What do firefighters do?
    A: Help people
    B: Make fires
    C: Fight people with fire

  2. Where were the boys?
    A: A car
    B: A sewer
    C: A fire truck

  3. What is the emergency phone number in Taiwan?
    A: 911
    B: 191
    C: 119


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C