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Dragon Boat Festival 2022

Dragon Boat Festival 2022

News For Kids

2022/06/03 | 00:05:29 | SoundOn #education

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Yes! The Dragon Boat Festival is here! I like this holiday.

I like to eat sticky rice dumplings, and it's fun to watch people racing in those long boats with a dragon at the front. 我很喜歡吃粽子,也喜歡看划龍舟比賽。

Sometimes they have a drum on the boat and everyone rows to the sound of the drum… dum, dum, dum…

Did you know that the Dragon Boat Festival and dragon boat racing are getting popular all over the world? It's true! There are dragon boat races in 68 countries!

People saw the dragon boat races in Taiwan and they said "That looks like fun! We want to have dragon boat races, too!"

Last year, dragon boat races in Taiwan were canceled because of COVID, and this year, we still have problems with COVID! Aiyah!

Some doctors say Covid will stop being such a big problem in Taiwan after a few more months. I hope they are right.

This year, we should still be careful during the Dragon Boat Festival. It's probably not a good idea to go to places with a lot of people. And we should remember to wear a mask and wash our hands, before we eat those yummy sticky rice dumplings.


1) race 比賽
Let's go watch the dragon boat race tomorrow. 我們明天去看龍舟賽吧。
That sounds exciting! Where will it be? 聽起來很棒!在哪裡?
On Keelung River. 基隆河上。
We can watch it at the Riverside Park. 我們可以在河濱公園看。

2) boat 船
I love those long boats. 我很喜歡那些長船。
Yeah, they look like they're gliding on water. 它們看起來像在水面上滑行。

3) problem 問題
But there's a problem with my plan. 不過我的計畫有個問題。
What problem? 什麼問題?
It will rain tomorrow. 明天會下雨。
You don't know that for sure. 這你不能確定。

4) drum 鼓
Did you hear that? 你聽到了嗎?
You mean the sounds of a drum? 你是說鼓聲嗎?
Right, it's coming closer now. 對,越來越近了。

Please read the words with me.
race 比賽
boat 船
problem 問題
drum 鼓


  1. What do people eat at the Dragon Boat Festival?
    A: Popcorn
    B: Fried rice
    C: Sticky rice dumplings

  2. How many countries have dragon boat races now?
    A: 62
    B: 680
    C: 68

  3. Why did Taiwan cancel dragon boat races in 2021?
    A: People didn't want to race
    B: It was raining
    C: Because of COVID-19


  1. C
  2. C
  3. C