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Kind Boy Gives Food to Others

Kind Boy Gives Food to Others

News For Kids

2022/11/14 | 00:05:14 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


It's World Kindness Day today!

Happy World Kindness Day everyone!

Yes, there is a day that celebrates being kind.

It's important to be kind to others.

I want to tell you about a very kind boy. His name is Isaac Winfield, and he lives in England.

Isaac has a nice life in England.

But he worries about people who don't have much money.

Some families don't have enough money to buy food.
英國有一個小男孩叫做 Isaac Winfield,他擔心沒有足夠的錢可以買食物的家庭。

These people need to use a food bank.

People don't put money in a food bank.

A food bank gives food to people who don't have much money.

Isaac wanted to do something to help poor people.

So, he started a food bank at his family's home.

He gets food from other nice people.

These kind people donate food to Isaac.

Isaac then gives this food to people who need it.
Isaac 成立了一個食物銀行,很多好心人會捐食物給他,他再把食物給有需要的人。

Isaac has a page on Facebook so people can learn about what he does.

They can contact Isaac through his Facebook page, and send him food, or money, so he can help more people eat well this winter.
Isaac 有一個粉絲專頁,大家可以看到他做的事,也可以連絡他,捐錢或是食物。

It's great that there are so many kind people in the world.

What about you guys?

Is there a way you can be kinder to others?

I'm sure there is!



  1. food 食物
    I'm starting a food bank. 我要成立一家食物銀行。
    Why? The supermarket is right next door. 為什麼? 超市就在隔壁。
    No, the food bank is not for me. 不,食物銀行不是為了我。
    It's for people in need. 是為了有需要的人。

  2. worry 擔心
    Why do you worry about them? 你怎麼會擔心他們?
    I've been hungry before. 我自己挨餓過。

  3. donate 捐贈
    Okay, I'll donate my instant noodles. 好吧,我可以捐泡麵。
    Thank you, but I'll take donated food through my Facebook. 謝謝你,不過我要從臉書接受捐贈的食物。

  4. contact 聯絡
    So should I contact you on Facebook? 所以我應該聯絡你的臉書?
    Yes, please. 對,拜託你。

These are very useful words.
food 食物
worry 擔心
donate 捐贈
contact 聯絡


  1. What is true about Isaac?
    A: He gives food to poor people.
    B: He works at a bank.
    C: His family is very poor.

  2. Where does Isaac get the food?
    A: Other people give it to him.
    B: His parents give it to him.
    C: He buys it from a supermarket.

  3. According to the story, how do people contact Isaac?
    A: By calling him on the phone
    B: By using Facebook
    C: By talking to his parents


  1. A
  2. A
  3. B