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Sleep with a Million Bees

Sleep with a Million Bees

News For Kids

2022/06/27 | 00:05:32 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Today, I want to tell you about a place where you can hear a lot of bees buzzing. Over a million bees!

A man in Italy made a special house. This man is a beekeeper. His special house has a big beehive.

The hive has more than a million bees in it. People can pay money to stay in the house he made.

Why would people do that? Do they want to get stung? Don't worry. The bees can't get into the room, but people can safely watch them buzz above their heads!

The beekeeper wants to let people know how important bees are. They help flowers and give us honey. He thinks it's important for people to like bees and treat them nicely.

Would you stay in a house with a million bees? They say the sound of bees is soothing. It helps you to sleep better.

I think I would be too afraid to get any sleep! But I still think bees are great.


  1. buzz 嗡嗡聲
    This buzzing sound is so noisy! 這個嗡嗡聲好吵!
    Well, we're in a bee house. 我們住在蜜蜂屋裡啊。
    Buzzing is what bees do. 蜜蜂就是會嗡嗡嗡。

  2. house 房屋
    Tell me again why we're in a bee house. 再說一次為什麼我們住蜜蜂房子。
    You said you want to stay in a special place. 你自己說你要住很特別的地方。

  3. special 特別的
    I guess this is as special as it can get. 這真是最特別的地方了。
    Cheer up! You can make friends with a million bees. 高興一點,你可以跟百萬隻蜜蜂做朋友。

  4. million 百萬
    Give me a million NT and I can build a much better house. 給我一百萬,我可以蓋更好的房子。
    You can't build anything with one million NT. 一百萬什麼也蓋不了。

Have some honey during your summer vacation! 我們來讀單字。
buzz 嗡嗡聲
house 房屋
special 特別的
million 百萬


  1. How do bees help the environment?
    A: They help flowers and give us honey
    B: They recycle old plastic bottles
    C: They help save polar bears

  2. What is the man's job?
    A: He builds houses
    B: He takes care of bees
    C: He is a hotel manager

  3. Why did the man build the special house?
    A: To teach people about bees
    B: To make people scared of bees
    C: To help people to sleep better


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A