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Very Old Forest Found

Very Old Forest Found

News For Kids

2022/09/21 | 00:05:32 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Do you like walking in the forest? It's so peaceful. Today, I'm going to tell you about a very special forest. It's special because it is really old. It is so old that it is ancient.

But that is not the only reason the forest is special. It's special because it is at the bottom of a sinkhole.
他特別的是,在一個天坑底部被發現!"Sinkhole" 就是天坑。

A sinkhole is a big hole in the ground. This big hole happens when the ground is weak. The ground quickly falls down. This hole is called a sinkhole.

People found a sinkhole in China with an ancient forest in it. They had to climb down hundreds of meters. Once they got to the bottom of the sinkhole, they found the forest.

It was hard for them to go through the forest because there were so many plants and trees there. Some trees were 40 meters tall! Forty meters… that's really tall.

Experts think they may find some animals in that forest that have never been discovered before.

Wow! Nature is so cool!


  1. hole 坑洞
    Hey, there's a big hole in the road! 嘿,路上有個大洞!
    Let me drive around it. 我來開車繞過去。

  2. climb down 往下爬
    It reminds me of a deep sinkhole in China. 這讓我想起中國很深的天坑。
    How deep? 有多深?
    Very deep. People have to climb down to the bottom. 很深,人們必須爬下去才能到它的底部。

  3. bottom 底部
    What's at the bottom? 底部有什麼呢?
    Trees. A lot of trees. 有樹,很多很多棵樹。
    Trees? That's not fun. 樹?那不好玩。

  4. ancient 古老的
    They should find an ancient kingdom there. 應該在那裏找到古老的王國。
    You read too many novels. 你看太多小說啦。

你想看看這個天坑嗎? 先來讀單字。
hole 坑洞
climb down 往下爬
bottom 底部
ancient 古老的


  1. Where did people find the forest?
    A: They dug a hole deep in the ground
    B: They went hiking in the mountains
    C: They climbed down into a hole

  2. What does ancient mean?
    A: Really interesting
    B: Very old
    C: Quite difficult to find

  3. How tall are the trees in the sinkhole?
    A: 4 meters
    B: 14 meters
    C: 40 meters


  1. C
  2. B
  3. C