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Don't Draw on Museum Paintings

Don't Draw on Museum Paintings

News For Kids

2022/03/18 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


You would think mostly everybody knows that you shouldn't touch things at museums. And you especially should never, ever draw on the paintings!

But somebody did that at a museum in Russia. And it wasn't a visitor to the museum, or a thief, it was… a guard at the museum who did it! Apparently, a guard decided to use a pen to draw on a painting that was hanging in the museum.

This painting was painted in the 1930s, which means it is very old, and it is worth about one-million U.S. dollars!

That is a very, very expensive painting to draw on! According to some newspapers, they say the guard did it because he was… bored.

I know that museums aren't always that interesting, and sometimes it can even be really boring… but that is still not a good reason to draw on any of the paintings!

Thankfully, the experts at the museum say the pen marks are light enough that they can probably fix the problem. Fixing the painting will cost them about three thousand four hundred dollars though.

Ouch, that's a very expensive pen mark to erase!

Remember, no matter how bored you are at a museum, you are not allowed to draw on any of the artwork!


  1. Bored 無聊的。
    What do you do when you're bored? 你無聊的時候做什麼?
    I go to the gym. And you? 我上健身房。你呢?
    I open the refrigerator. 我打開冰箱。

  2. Draw 畫圖。
    What are you drawing? 你在畫什麼?
    The sky. 天空。
    But the sky should be blue. 但是天空應該是藍色。
    I'm drawing the sky over a forest fire. 我在畫森林大火的天空。

  3. Problem 問題。
    We have a problem. 我們有問題了。
    What? 什麼問題?
    We forgot the key. 我們忘了鑰匙。
    That is a big problem! 確實是個大問題!

  4. Painting 油畫。
    This is a beautiful painting! 這幅畫真美!
    Indeed. It's worth 200 thousand. 的確是。價值二十萬元。

bored 無聊的
draw 畫圖
problem 問題
painting 油畫


  1. Where is the museum in this story?
    a. Taiwan
    b. South Africa
    c. Russia

  2. What happened to one of the paintings?
    a. Someone drew on it
    b. Someone stole it
    c. Someone bought it

  3. Who drew on the painting?
    a. A guard
    b. A visitor
    c. A thief


  1. C
  2. A
  3. A