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Whistle Languages

Whistle Languages

News For Kids

2021/09/21 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Can you whistle? 你會吹口哨嗎? I can! Well… I'm not very good at it.

It's not easy to learn how to whistle. Some people can't do it… they can't whistle.

But other people can whistle very well… and some people even use whistling as a language! 有人把吹口哨當成一種語言。

It's true! There are people that sometimes whistle to talk to each other.

Why? Well, whistling is louder than shouting 口哨比用喊叫還大聲。

And whistling is clearer. You can hear whistling more clearly than shouting.

The whistles can mean different words… a high whistle sound means one thing… and a low whistle sound has a different meaning. 口哨有高低不同音階,可以傳達不同的含意。

After a lot of practice, people can learn to understand this new language… a whistle language.

Cool! They can say "I can speak English, I can speak Japanese… and I can speak Whistle!"

Ha! 多加練習,有一天你也可以說 "我還會說口哨語言!"

Whistling is fun… and some people use it to talk… it can be a language!



  1. Language 語言。
    I think whistling is a kind of body language. 我覺得吹口哨是一種身體語言。
    Maybe, but it's not a language for me. 也許吧,不過對我來說它不是語言。
    I don't whistle.我不會吹口哨。

  2. Speak 說。
    What languages can you speak, Ryan? 你會講什麼語言,萊恩?
    I can speak English and Chinese. 我會說英文跟中文。

  3. Loud 大聲的,louder 更大聲。
    I can't hear you. 我聽不到。
    Please speak louder. 請講大聲一點。
    I think I'm loud enough. 我已經夠大聲了。

  4. Shout 叫喊。
    You don't have to shout. 你不必大喊大叫。
    I'm shouting because your music is too loud. 我喊叫是因為你的音樂太大聲。

language 語言
speak 說,講
loud 大聲的
louder 更大聲
shout 叫喊


  1. How do some people talk?
    A: By screaming
    B: By whistling
    C: By jumping up and down

  2. Why do some people use whistling to talk?
    A: They can't speak English
    B: Whistling is louder and clearer
    C: They think they are birds

  3. What are English, Japanese, and Chinese?
    A: Languages
    B: Places
    C: Animals


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A