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Girl Finds Huge Shark Tooth on Beach

Girl Finds Huge Shark Tooth on Beach

News For Kids

2023/03/06 | 00:05:16 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


The beach is a great place to relax. You can sit on the sand and enjoy the warm sun, or go for a swim in the sea.

You can also find cool things on the beach. There are animals like crabs and starfish. You can even find seashells. But what would you do if you found an ancient shark tooth?

That's what happened to a girl named Molly. She's nine years old, and her family has a special hobby. They like to look for shark teeth on the beach near their home in the USA.
Molly 是一位九歲的美國女孩,她們家喜歡在家裡附近的海灘上找鯊魚牙齒。

On most days, Molly can find a few small teeth. She uses them to make necklaces. But recently, she found a very big tooth. It was special because it was more than three million years old.
Molly 平常都能找到幾顆小牙齒,她會把它們做成項鍊。但最近,她找到了一顆超大的牙齒,超過三百萬年。

When Molly found the tooth, she was excited. Molly loves to study ancient animals, so she knew the tooth was from a Megalodon. A long time ago, that was the biggest shark in the world!
Molly 很興奮,她喜歡研究古生物,所以她知道這是巨齒鯊的牙齒。以前,這個鯊魚是世界上最大的鯊魚!

There are no Megalodons alive today, so it is very unusual to find one of their teeth.

That's why Molly was so happy, and why everyone was surprised by the tooth she found!


  1. find 找到
    Look, a shell! 你看,一枚貝殼!
    This one is cool. 這個很酷呢!
    You're lucky to find it. 你很幸運找到它。

  2. tooth 牙齒
    I'm actually hoping to find a fish tooth. 我其實希望找到魚的牙齒。
    Fish tooth? 魚的牙齒?
    Then it has to be a big fish. 那一定得是大魚。
    Yeah, like a great white shark. 對,比如說大白鯊。

  3. sea 海洋
    I hope there are no sharks in the sea here. 我希望這個海域沒有鯊魚。
    I don't think so, but you never know. 我想沒有,不過這很難說。

  4. swim 游泳
    So can we still swim here? 所以我們還能在這裡游泳嗎?
    Why not? 為什麼不?
    We're so skinny. 我們這麼瘦。

你喜歡收集貝殼嗎? Let's read the words.

find 找到
tooth 牙齒
sea 海洋
swim 游泳


  1. Where is Molly's home?
    A: Ukraine
    B: The USA
    C: Uruguay

  2. Where did Molly find the tooth?
    A: On the beach
    B: At the park
    C: In the river

  3. What animal did the tooth come from?
    A: A big elephant
    B: A small fish
    C: An ancient shark


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C