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Zoo in Kaohsiung Welcomes Baby Sloth

Zoo in Kaohsiung Welcomes Baby Sloth

News For Kids

2022/01/19 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

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Guess what? Kaohsiung City's Shou Shan Zoo has welcomed a new baby!

But not just any baby, a baby sloth.

Do you know what a sloth is? It's a kind of animal that moves very… very… slowly.
樹懶的動作非… 常… 非… 常… 的… 慢。

The zoo says the baby sloth was born in October of last year, 樹懶寶寶去年十月出生的, and it seems to be doing great.

It has a very protective mother who has been taking very good care of it.

The zookeepers are also helping to make sure the baby sloth stays healthy.

Unfortunately, people can't visit the baby sloth yet… The zoo is being renovated, which means they're improving some parts of the zoo.

The renovation is focused on upgrading the environments, to be more similar to the animals' natural habitats.

This will help the animals live happier and healthier lives.

But good news, everything is ahead of schedule, which means the construction should be finished sooner than expected.

The zoo will probably reopen, at least partially, in April of this year. And it should be fully open by September of this year.

When the zoo is finally reopened, I want to go visit the baby sloth.


  1. Born 出生。
    A baby giraffe was born yesterday. 一隻長頸鹿寶寶昨天出生。
    At Taipei Zoo? I'd love to see it. 在台北動物園嗎?我好想看看。
    We can't see it until 2 weeks after it is born. 牠出生之後兩星期我們才能看牠。

  2. Natural 天然的。
    These rocks are a natural bridge. 這些石頭是天然橋梁。

  3. Good news 好消息。
    Good news! The rain will stop tomorrow! 好消息,明天雨就停了!
    That's really good news! 那真的是好消息!

  4. April, September, October 四月,九月,十月。
    The tree flowers in April. 這棵樹四月開花。
    Then it grows fruit in September and October. 然後它九月十月結果。

Let's read today's words.
born 出生
natural 天然的
good news 好消息
April 四月
September 九月
October 十月


  1. What kind of baby was born?
    a. An elephant
    b. A sloth
    c. A monkey

  2. At which zoo was it born?
    a. Kaohsiung City's Shou Shan Zoo
    b. New York City's the Bronx Zoo
    c. Taipei City Zoo

  3. When will the zoo fully reopen?
    a. April
    b. September
    c. It's already open


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B