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Hero Dog Saves Koalas From Bushfires

Hero Dog Saves Koalas From Bushfires

News For Kids

2022/01/07 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Many places have forest fires… but in Australia, they have bush fires.

In 2020 there were some terrible bush fires in Australia. The bushland caught fire and it burned for many weeks!

The firefighters in Australia tried to put out the fires. They even used airplanes and dropped water on the fires… but the fires were too big.

Many koalas were trapped in the fires. But… 100 koalas were saved… by a hero dog!

The dog's name is Bear.

Bear has lots of energy and loves to play… so he became a koala rescue dog.

A koala rescue dog goes into the bushland after the fire stops and finds koalas that need help.

The ground is still very hot after a fire, so Bear wears special dog shoes to protect his feet.

Bear found 100 koalas that needed help. That's a lot!

Firefighters gave Bear a medal because they say Bear is a hero.

Saving 100 koalas is amazing… What a good dog!


  1. Koala 無尾熊。
    Koalas are so cute! 無尾熊好可愛!
    They are, but you have to go to Australia to see them. 是很可愛,但是你要去澳洲才看得到。
    I saw koalas yesterday, at Taipei Zoo! 我昨天才看到無尾熊,在台北動物園!

  2. Firefighter 救火員,消防員。
    Finally, firefighters are here! 消防隊終於來了!
    Yeah, they need to put out this fire fast! 他們得趕快把火撲滅!

  3. Rescue 搶救。
    Can they rescue the trees? 他們能搶救那些樹嗎?
    I think they should rescue the animals first. 我想他們應該先救動物。

  4. Forest 森林。
    Animals can run, but the forest can't move. 動物會自己跑,但是森林動不了。
    I guess you're right. 我想你是對的。

koala 無尾熊
firefighter 消防員
rescue 搶救
forest 森林


  1. Where did the big bush fires happen in 2020?
    A: Australia
    B: Taichung
    C: England

  2. What is the hero dog's name?
    A: Monkey
    B: Giraffe
    C: Bear

  3. How many koalas did the hero dog save?
    A: 1,000
    B: 100
    C: 10


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B