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A-mei Concerts Causing 'Tremors'

A-mei Concerts Causing 'Tremors'

News For Kids

2022/05/13 | 00:05:32 | SoundOn #education

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Yeah! I love this song! When the music is as good as this I just have to get up and dance, I can't stop myself!

Some music is so good, it makes you want to jump up and down! But too many people jumping at the same time can be a big problem. It can even cause tremors. Tremors happen when the ground shakes, like an earthquake!

This happened last month at an A-mei concert. A-mei sold all the tickets to her show very quickly, her fans really love her! So the Taipei Arena was full of people.

They were all having so much fun! They couldn't help it! At the end of her show they all started jumping up and down!

But everyone jumping at the same time made the ground shake, and all the people living nearby could feel the tremors in their homes!

A lot of people were very angry. Maybe they didn't like their houses shaking around, or maybe they just didn't like A-mei's songs!

Now there are signs up in the Taipei Arena asking people not to jump up and down anymore… hopefully that will stop the tremors.

Do you think the signs would stop you from jumping up and down at a concert?


  1. dance 跳舞
    Oh, I love this music! 我真喜歡這個音樂!
    Come dance with me.來跟我跳舞吧。
    No, I can't dance now. I'm too full. 我現在不能跳舞。我吃太飽了。

  2. jump 跳
    See, everybody is jumping around. 你看,大家都在蹦來蹦去。
    They can jump all they want, but not me. 他們怎麼蹦跳都可以,但是我不跳。

  3. up and down 上上下下
    This jumping up and down is too loud for me. 這樣跳上跳下對我太吵了。
    And the floor is shaking too. 而且地板也在震動。

  4. earthquake 地震
    Yeah, it's like an earthquake! 對啊,這跟地震一樣!
    I hope this building doesn't fall. 我希望這棟建築不會垮掉。

So do you like dancing? Let's read today's vocabulary.
dance 跳舞
jump 跳
up and down 上上下下
earthquake 地震


  1. Where was A-mei performing her concert?
    A: In her kitchen
    B: In a 7-11
    C: At The Taipei Arena

  2. What happens when there are 'tremors'?
    A: The air gets really hot
    B: The ground shakes
    C: The clouds go red

  3. How many tickets did A-mei sell for her show?
    A: None of the tickets
    B: All of the tickets
    C: 2 of the tickets


  1. C
  2. B
  3. B