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Tax Put on Sugary Drinks

Tax Put on Sugary Drinks

News For Kids

2022/11/02 | 00:05:11 | SoundOn #education

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Guess what? Today is "Eating Healthy Day"!

Yes, there is a day for eating healthy!

There are lots of ways to eat healthy.

Vegetables and fruits are great.

Another good way is to drink less soda.

Soda has a lot of sugar.

Fruit juices, like orange juice and apple juice, also have lots and lots of sugar.

And sugar is really bad for you.

Too much sugar hurts your body, and it makes you fat.

Water is much better for you.

Many places try to make people drink less sugary drinks.

How do they do that?

By adding a tax.

The tax makes the sugary drinks more expensive.

People hate paying more money!

Many countries have tried putting a tax on sugary drinks before.

Mexico tried it, but it did not work.

Instead of sodas, people just ate chocolate bars and candy instead!

They tried it in France too, but it didn't work there either.



In September, a province in Canada put a tax on sugary drinks.

We all have to try harder to eat healthier.

Let's hope it works for them! 希望他們可以成功。

Maybe Taiwan should put a tax on sugary drinks too. What do you think?



  1. less 比較少的
    There's a big bottle of coke in the refrigerator. 冰箱裡有一大瓶可樂。
    Yeah, I bought it. 沒錯,我買的。
    Shouldn't you drink less soda? 你不是應該少喝一點汽水?
    I know, but I can't help it. 我知道,就是忍不住。

  2. sugary 含糖的
    Why do you like sugary stuff so much? 你為什麼那麼喜歡含糖的東西?
    Well, sugar makes me happy. 糖就是讓我開心。

  3. expensive 昂貴的
    If coke becomes more expensive… 要是可樂變得更貴…
    Would I still buy it? 我會不會還是買?
    Yes, I would. 會,我會。

  4. tax 稅
    There should be a tax on sweet drinks. 甜飲料應該課稅。
    I'm not worried about tax. 我不擔心稅。
    I'm worried about my health. 我擔心健康。

less 比較少的
sugary 含糖的
expensive 昂貴的
tax 稅


  1. Why should people drink less soda to be healthy?
    A: Soda hurts the environment.
    B: Soda is expensive.
    C: Soda has lots of sugar.

  2. What is true about orange juice?
    A: It has a lot of sugar.
    B: It has very little sugar.
    C: It has no sugar.

  3. What did a province in Canada do?
    A: Make a new kind of sugary drink
    B: Stop selling sugary drinks
    C: Charge people more for sugary drinks


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C