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Taiwan's 'Boxing Queen'

Taiwan's 'Boxing Queen'

News For Kids

2022/12/20 | 00:05:14 | SoundOn #education

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Whoa! Hey, look out!

Ouch! Boxing looks like it really hurts!

Have you ever seen a boxing match? It's a sport where two people fight with their fists.

They're always very fit, strong, healthy people, who are really REALLY well trained!

Taiwan's Chen Nien-Chin is a boxer from Hualien. Because she has trained so well, and has won so many times, people now call her "Taiwan's Boxing Queen"!

In 2016 she won a bronze medal at the Olympics, when she was only 19 years old!

Then in 2018, when she was 21, she won the Women's World Boxing Championship, making her one of the best female boxers in the whole world!

Last month she won yet another gold medal! This time it was at the Asian Elite Boxing Championship. Chen beat a boxer from Thailand, and is now one of the best boxers in all of Asia!

Today is Games Day, a holiday for sports of all kinds! So let's all cheer for Chen Nien-Chin, Taiwan's Boxing Queen!


  1. boxing 拳擊
    My father doesn't want me to learn boxing. 我爸爸不要我學拳擊。
    Because he thinks it's not for girls? 因為他覺得不適合女孩子?
    He thinks there's no money to be made. 他覺得沒有錢賺。

  2. medal 獎牌
    If you win an Olympic gold medal, you can get 20 million NT! 你要是贏得奧運金牌,可以獲得兩千萬!
    I know. There's even 5 million for a bronze medal. 我知道,就算銅牌也有五百萬獎金。

  3. train 訓練
    So will you box? 所以你會去打拳嗎?
    No, I'm thinking of golf. 不會,我在考慮高爾夫。
    Training for golf is not that hard. 高爾夫球訓練沒那麼難。

  4. win 贏得
    And you may win the U.S. Open! 你有可能贏得美國公開賽!
    Yeah, wouldn't that be great? 對,那不是棒呆了?

boxing 拳擊
medal 獎牌
train 訓練
win 贏得


  1. Who is Chen Nien-Chin?
    A: Taiwan's Skipping King
    B: Taiwan's Hopping Prince
    C: Taiwan's Boxing Queen

  2. What did Chen Nien-Chin win in 2018?
    A: The Women's World Boxing Championship
    B: The Asian Elite Boxing Championship
    C: The Olympics

  3. Who did Chen Nien-Chin beat last month?
    A: A beagle from Swaziland
    B: A bulldog from Ireland
    C: A boxer from Thailand


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C