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Kids Want a Lot For Christmas

Kids Want a Lot For Christmas

News For Kids

2021/12/24 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Wow! It's Christmas. I love to open gifts!

Kids get some great presents at Christmas time. They might get a toy train set. Or, they might get a cool video game.

But, around Christmas, children can get a bit greedy.

They ask for a lot of presents!

A toy company did a survey. The toy company asked parents how many presents their kids ask for. The survey also asked how much all of those presents cost.

I have the answers for you! On average, kids in England tell their parents they want about 16 things for Christmas.

Sixteen… wow, that's a lot! That sounds greedy!

All those presents cost more than $11,000 NT dollars.

The survey by the toy company also found something else interesting. Almost half of the kids didn't like some presents they got from their parents.

Those kids are hard to please!

Well, I hope all of you students, and your parents, and teachers have a great Christmas! Merry Christmas!


  1. Present 禮物。
    How many Christmas presents did you get when you were a boy, Ryan? 你小時候得到幾個耶誕禮物?
    Not many. 不多。
    My favorite present was a toy train set. 我最喜歡的禮物是一組玩具火車。

  2. Children 兒童。
    Children often want many things from their parents. 兒童經常跟父母要很多東西。
    Yeah, parents find it hard to say no. 對,父母很難說不。

  3. Parents 父母。
    My parents said no to me all the time. 我爸爸媽媽總是對我說不。
    Because you wanted toys? 因為你想要玩具?
    No, because I wanted new clothes. 不是,因為我想要新衣服。

  4. Greedy 貪心的。
    I want ice cream, mango pudding and honey cake. 我要冰淇淋,芒果布丁和蜂蜜蛋糕。
    Am I too greedy? 我太貪心了嗎?
    Not if you share them with me. 你跟我分享就不會。

present 禮物
children 兒童
parents 父母
greedy 貪心的


  1. What did the toy company ask parents?
    A: What they want for Christmas
    B: If their children like Christmas
    C: How many gifts their kids want

  2. What does greedy mean?
    A: Feeling a little unhappy
    B: Wanting too much
    C: Being sad

  3. What else did the toy company find out?
    A: Many kids didn't like some presents they got.
    B: Kids in England get the most gifts
    C: Trains and video games are the most popular Christmas gifts.

  4. C
  5. B
  6. A