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Police on Rollerblades

Police on Rollerblades

News For Kids

2021/10/28 | 00:05:38 | SoundOn #education

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Did you know some police officers in Pakistan use rollerblades! These police officers learn how to rollerblade so they can chase and catch people who break the law. 有一些巴基斯坦的警察穿直排輪去追犯人。

Some cities in Pakistan are super, super crowded. The traffic is super bad! The police say they can't use a police car… and they can't use a police motorcycle. The roads are too crowded! So, they use rollerblades! 這是因為巴基斯坦的城市過於擁擠,街道塞滿車輛,警察不能開車或是騎摩托車。

In Taiwan, sometimes you can see police officers riding horses. But usually, the police in Taiwan ride on scooters or drive police cars. 在台灣,有時候你會看到騎馬的警察,但大部分的警察是開警車或騎摩托車。

But the cities in Pakistan are different. The roads are crowded with people and cars, and buses and motorcycles… it's so busy, sometimes everyone gets stuck and can't move! That's why the police there are using rollerblades. 但是在巴基斯坦的大都市,道路太擁擠,有時候根本動不了,這是為什麼警察穿直排輪的原因。

Have you ever tried rollerblading? It's not easy! You need to practice for a long time. With rollerblades, you can ride on the sidewalk or the road… The rollerblade police in Pakistan don't have to worry about traffic… they can just roll on their rollerblades and catch people who break the law! What a good idea!



  1. Crowded 擁擠的。
    This road is so crowded! 這條路好擠喔!
    It happens every time before a long holiday. 每次放長假之前都會這樣。

  2. Traffic 交通。
    There's just too much traffic. 車子太多了。
    I hate it when we have to worry about traffic before taking a vacation. 我真討厭度假之前得先擔心交通問題。
    I know. 我懂。

  3. Catch 抓到。
    Did the police catch the man? 警察抓到那個人了嗎?
    I don't think so. 我想沒有。
    But they did catch his friend. 不過他們確實抓到了他的朋友。

  4. Chase 追逐。
    Should we chase away that cat? 我們應該把那隻貓趕走嗎?
    Why? It's not doing anything to us. 為什麼?牠沒有對我們做什麼啊。

crowded 擁擠的
traffic 交通
catch 抓到
chase 追逐


  1. Where do some police officers use rollerblades?
    A: India
    B: China
    C: Pakistan

  2. Why do these police officers use rollerblades?
    A: Because they need more exercise
    B: Because they don't have police cars
    C: Because the roads are too crowded

  3. What do police in Taiwan use?
    A: Cars, scooters… and sometimes, horses!
    B: Birds, bicycles, and trucks
    C: They hop on one foot

1: C
2: C
3: A