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Company Turns Glass Into Sand

Company Turns Glass Into Sand

News For Kids

2022/11/28 | 00:05:10 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Everyone always talks about how bad plastic garbage is for the environment, but did you know glass is bad for the environment too?

Did you know that you can turn glass into sand? You can do this because… glass is made out of sand!

A company in Louisiana, called "Glass Half Full", is trying to help. They take old, used glass bottles and they grind them up into sand!
美國的路易斯安那州,有一間叫做 "Glass Half Full" 的公司,會把玻璃瓶磨碎變成沙子!

And Louisiana needs more sand. Louisiana is a state in the U.S. that has eroding coastlines. This means the sand by the ocean is slowly being washed away over a long, long time.

This is bad because when too much sand is washed away, there is no more land. So the animals and people who were there before won't have any place to live.

Glass Half Full is trying to recycle old bottles to make more sand. Then, they can use this sand to fix Louisiana's eroding coastlines.

So the next time you are walking on a beach, look down and think of all the bottles that could make all that sand! And remember to recycle!


  1. bottle 瓶子
    Let me keep these beer bottles. 讓我留著這些啤酒瓶。
    What do you need them for? 你需要它們做什麼?
    I'll send them to a special factory. 我會把它送到一家特殊的工廠。

  2. glass 玻璃
    They can turn glass bottles into sand there. 他們會把這些玻璃瓶碾成沙粒。
    You'll use the sand in your yard? 你會把這些沙子用在院子裡嗎?

  3. sand 沙子
    Yeah, it makes good pavement. 對,它是很好鋪地的材料。
    Glass sand doesn't get washed away by the rain. 玻璃砂不會被雨水沖走。

  4. recycle 回收
    Good. That means I don't need to recycle the bottles. 真好,這表示我不需要回收瓶子。
    But it doesn't mean you can drink more beer. 可是並不表示你可以喝更多啤酒。

bottle 瓶子
glass 玻璃
sand 沙子
recycle 回收


  1. What problem is Louisiana facing?
    A: Eroding coastlines
    B: Disappearing trees
    C: Disappearing oceans

  2. What does the company Glass Half Full do?
    A: Recycle glass bottles
    B: Recycle plastic bottles
    C: Recycle sand

  3. How does the company recycle?
    A: By grinding glass bottles into sand
    B: By turning sand into plastic
    C: By turning sand into glass


  1. A
  2. A
  3. A