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Scientists Test New 'Smart Bandages'

Scientists Test New 'Smart Bandages'

News For Kids

2023/04/25 | 00:05:15 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Ouch! A cut! It's so small… It's tiny! But this tiny wound hurts so much! I need a bandage.
我割傷了!傷口好小,可是好痛!我需要一條 OK 繃。

Do you know about the new "smart bandages"?

The smart bandages are stretchy. These stretchy bandages are easy to use. You can put one on any wound.

These smart bandages have tiny computers. These tiny computers look for heat and germs. They look for changes too. Good changes mean the wound is healing. Bad changes mean it needs more help. The tiny computers send this information to a big computer.

Tiny bits of electricity help wounds heal faster. The tiny computers can give wounds tiny bits of electricity!

Medicine is also in these smart bandages. Does a wound need more help? A smart bandage can put medicine on it!

My tiny wound doesn't need a smart bandage. It can heal quickly with no help.

These smart bandages are for big wounds. Some people get big wounds from fires. These bandages can help big wounds a lot.

Scientists are testing these smart bandages now. The bandages are not ready yet.

Many people have big wounds. These are the people who need smart bandages. The smart bandages are pretty cool. But I don't want to need one!


  1. hurt 痛
    Hey, what happened to you? 發生了什麼事?
    It must hurt a lot! 一定很痛吧!
    You're telling me. 還用你說。

  2. look for 尋找
    How did you get hurt? 你是怎麼受傷的?
    I fell down the stairs looking for my glasses. 我找眼鏡時摔下樓梯。
    You really need your glasses to see the stairs. 你真的需要眼鏡來看樓梯。
    I know that! 我也知道!

  3. wound 傷口
    Okay, okay, but you should cover the wound. 好啦,不過你應該把傷口蓋起來。
    No, I'm fine. 不用,我很好。
    Here, let me put this bandage on it. 來吧,我把這個OK繃貼上去。

  4. heal 癒合
    Will it help me heal? 它會讓我癒合嗎?
    That's what the ad said. 廣告是這麼說的。

hurt 痛
look for 尋找
wound 傷口
heal 癒合


  1. What do the smart bandage's tiny computers look for?
    A: Heat and germs
    B: Scientists
    C: Some medicine

  2. What can the smart bandage give a wound?
    A: Fire
    B: Tiny bits of electricity
    C: Tiny computers

  3. What kind of wounds are the smart bandages for?
    A: Tiny wounds
    B: Big wounds
    C: Smart wounds


  1. A
  2. B
  3. B