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Boston's Brand New Bronze Statue

Boston's Brand New Bronze Statue

News For Kids

2023/01/16 | 00:05:12 | SoundOn #education

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Have you ever seen a statue? It can be made of stone, or metal, or all kinds of things!

Yesterday, In Boston, Massachusetts, they got a brand new very special statue. It's 20 feet tall and 40 feet wide. And it's made of a beautiful shiny metal called bronze.
昨天,有一座新雕像在波士頓落成了。這座雕像是用青銅做的,高 20 呎,寬 40 呎!

It was made for a famous person from history, called Martin Luther King Jr. In fact, today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day! He believed it was wrong to treat someone differently because of how they looked, or what they believed, or where they came from.

Lots of people agreed with King. One time, 250,000 people marched with him all the way to Washington DC, the USA's capital city. There he gave a very famous speech, called "I Have a Dream".

The next year, King was given the 'Nobel Peace Prize' for helping so many people. 60 years later people still celebrate him.


  1. famous 著名的
    Michelangelo's David is the most famous statue in the world. 米蓋朗基羅的大衛像是全世界最有名的雕像。
    Really? I thought it's the Statue of Liberty. 真的嗎?我以為是自由女神像。

  2. metal 金屬
    They are different. 它們不一樣。
    David is made of stone. 大衛像是石頭做的。
    And the Statue of Liberty? 自由女神像呢?
    It's made of metal. 它是金屬做的。

  3. agree 同意
    I think David is more beautiful. 我覺得大衛像比較美。
    I agree. 我同意。
    It looks very much like a real man. 它看起來很像真人。

  4. history 歷史
    And it has a long history of 500 years. 而且它有五百年的歷史了。
    A 500-year-old man? Still very handsome. 五百歲的人?還是很帥呢!

famous 著名的
metal 金屬
agree 同意
history 歷史


  1. Where is Martin Luther King Jr.'s new statue?
    A: Boston, Massachusetts
    B: Boston, Ontario
    C: Boston, Lincolnshire

  2. How big is the new statue?
    A: 30 feet tall, 20 feet wide
    B: 20 feet tall, 40 feet wide
    C: 40 feet tall, 30 feet wide

  3. How many people marched with King to Washington DC?
    A: 250,000
    B: 10,050
    C: 50,200


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A