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Camping in a Church

Camping in a Church

News For Kids

2021/12/27 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Have you ever gone camping?

Camping can be fun. It's great to sleep in a tent and hear the sounds of nature.

Often, people go camping in the mountains or near a nice lake. Some people in England go camping in a very different place. They go camping in a church. Yeah, a church!

There are lots of old churches in England. Many of them were built hundreds of years ago. Some of the churches are so old they have bats in them.

Well, maybe sleeping in a church with bats wouldn't be so great.

There's even a name for camping in a church. It's called "champing." Champing is two words put together: church and camping. So, champing is a new word.

When you go champing in England, there are beds in the church.

There are chairs and candles, too. But the candles aren't real ones. They have batteries.

There is also a toilet, but no shower.

What do you think? Would you like to try "champing?"


  1. Camping 露營。
    Let's go camping next weekend. 我們下周末去露營吧。
    Again? We just returned from camping in Penghu! 又去?我們才剛從澎湖露營回來!
    This will be different. 這次會不一樣。

  2. Church 教堂。
    We're going camping in a church. 我們要去教堂露營。
    Inside a church? 去教堂裡面?
    No, that's a bad idea. 這是個壞主意。
    I won't be able to sleep before God. 我在神的面前會睡不著。

  3. Sleep 睡覺。
    Come on, it'll be fun. 去啦,會很好玩的。
    You sleep well everywhere you go. 你到哪裡都睡得很好啊。
    No, not in a church. 不,教堂裡不行。

  4. Tent 帳篷。
    Let's still sleep in a tent on the mountains. 我們還是睡在山上的帳篷裡吧。
    You're right. I prefer a tent, too. 你說得對,我也比較喜歡帳篷。

Do you like camping? Please read these words.
camping 露營
church 教堂
sleep 睡覺
tent 帳篷


  1. Where can people go camping in a church?
    A: In America
    B: In England
    C: In Canada

  2. What can you NOT do when you go camping in a church?
    A: Go to the toilet
    B: Sleep on a bed
    C: Take a shower

  3. What is camping in a church called?
    A: "Church Camp"
    B: "Champing"
    C: "Churching"

  4. B
  5. C
  6. B