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First Movie Shot in Space

First Movie Shot in Space

News For Kids

2021/12/10 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

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Hi, everyone! You guys know Tom Cruise, right? You've seen him in the Mission Impossible movies. You know that movie, right?
大家知道阿湯哥吧? 他是電影[不可能任務]的男主角。

Tom Cruise wants to make a movie in space. That's right. He wants to take a rocket into space and make a movie. Tom Cruise wants to be the first person to make a movie in space.

But, guess what? The Russians are going to do it first.

The Russians have already shot a movie in space. When we talk about a movie being made, we say the movie was shot.

A Russian actor and a director went into space to shoot a movie. They blasted off in October.

The Russian actor and director spent 12 days in space in October. They spent 12 days on the International Space Station. Then they came back to Earth.

The movie is about a doctor who saves an astronaut in space.

Usually, movies about space aren't really shot in space. But this movie really was!

This is so cool! I hope I can see that Russian movie. But I hope Tom Cruise makes a movie in space, too!


  1. Space 太空。
    Have you ever dreamed about traveling to space? 你有夢想過上太空嗎?
    No, I prefer staying on earth. 沒有,我想待在地球。
    But I love space movies. 不過我很愛看太空電影。

  2. Rocket 火箭。
    I enjoy seeing rockets blasting off. 我喜歡看火箭發射升空。
    Rockets can be used as weapons too. 火箭也可以用來當武器。

  3. Shoot a movie 拍電影。
    Tom Cruise wants to shoot a movie in space. 阿湯哥想要在太空拍電影。
    He has shot many movies in strange places. 他在很多奇怪地方都拍過電影。

  4. Russia 俄國,Russian 俄國人。
    Russia is a very big country. 俄國是個好大的國家!
    Yeah, but you don't often meet Russians here. 對,但是你在這裡很少遇到俄國人。

Let's read the vocabulary.
space 太空
rocket 火箭
shoot a movie 拍電影
Russia 俄國
Russian 俄國人


  1. What is this story mostly about?
    A: Mission Impossible
    B: A station in space
    C: A movie shot in space

  2. When did the actor and director go into space?
    A: In September
    B: In October
    C: In November

  3. How long did they spend in space?
    A: One week
    B: 12 days
    C: 20 days

  4. C
  5. B
  6. B