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Man Survives Two Crashes!

Man Survives Two Crashes!

News For Kids

2022/05/10 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Hi, kids.

Today, I have a crazy story to tell you!

It might seem like a movie, but it's a true story!

This is about a pilot in California.

In January this year, he took off.

But while he was flying his plane, he had a problem.

A big problem!

His plane crashed!

But he had another very big problem: The pilot crashed right onto some train tracks.

And there was a train coming right at him!

Luckily there were some police near where the pilot crashed his plane.

They pulled the pilot out of his plane.

They pulled him out just before the train hit the plane!

He was taken to the hospital.

But he only had some cuts and bruises, and he was bleeding.

That guy was so lucky!

But he was basically OK.

Wow! He could have been killed when his plane crashed.

And he would have been killed if that train hit him!

They should make a movie about this lucky guy.

I would go see it. It would be so exciting!


  1. movie 電影
    This guy's story is better than a movie! 這個人的故事比電影還精采!
    And movies are fake, but this is real. 而且電影都是假的,這個卻是真的。

  2. plane 飛機
    Why did the plane go down? 那架飛機為什麼掉下來?
    Maybe it lost power. 也許它失去了動力。
    Or maybe it hit a bird. 也許它撞上了鳥。

  3. crash 碰撞
    A plane crash can kill many people. 飛機墜毀可以奪走很多條人命。
    Oh yes, it's much worse than a car crash. 是的,比撞車多很多。

  4. pull 拖拉
    Would you pull me up? 你可以拉我起來嗎?
    I'm so tired. 我好累。
    You lazybones. 你這個懶骨頭。
    Thank you! 謝謝!

Now let's read today's vocabulary.
movie 電影
plane 飛機
crash 碰撞
pull 拖拉


  1. What is true about the story?
    A: It comes from a movie
    B: It is a true story.
    C: It happened many years ago.

  2. Where did the plane crash?
    A: Near a train station
    B: On some train tracks
    C: On top of a train

  3. How badly was the pilot hurt in the accident?
    A: He was killed
    B: He was hurt very badly
    C: He was hurt only a little


  1. B
  2. B
  3. C