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Learning to Climb Trees Like a Monkey

Learning to Climb Trees Like a Monkey

News For Kids

2022/11/07 | 00:05:07 | SoundOn #education

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What does your gym teacher teach you? How to jump? How to run?

But, does your gym teacher teach you how to climb trees like a monkey?

Maybe this idea sounds silly to you, but there are people in a city in Spain who go to a monkey tree-climbing class!

The teacher shows the students how to climb trees like monkeys!

People and monkeys are part of the same animal family, but we are not monkeys, we are a kind of ape.

And the human ape is not very good at climbing trees.

But monkeys and other apes are very good at climbing trees.

The teacher in Spain says people can learn to climb trees like monkeys, but we have to learn to move and climb in a new way.

This climb-like-a-monkey teacher is now famous!

People call him "Tarzan."

That's a good name for him, right? Tarzan, the teacher who helps you learn to be a monkey!

But of course, climbing trees can be dangerous. Don't try to climb a tree unless your mommy or daddy says it's OK.

Falling out of a tree would hurt! Ouch!

Umm… Maybe I'll just go hiking instead…


  1. climb 攀爬
    Would you like to learn how to climb trees? 你想學怎麼爬樹嗎?
    Why do I want to learn that? 為什麼我要學?
    Maybe you want to pick mangoes someday. 也許你有一天會想摘芒果。

  2. famous 著名的
    Taiwan is famous for its mangoes, you know. 台灣的芒果很有名喔。
    I know, but I won't climb trees for a famous fruit. 我知道,但是我可不會為了有名的水果去爬樹。

  3. silly 笨笨的
    It's a silly idea. 那是個笨主意。
    No, mango is not silly. 芒果並不笨。

  4. teach 教導
    I can teach you how to make mango pudding. 我可以教你怎麼做芒果布丁。
    You'll teach me that? 你會教我呦?
    Hurray! I love mango pudding! 太棒了,我喜歡芒果布丁。

Let's read today's vocabulary.
climb 攀爬
famous 有名的
silly 笨笨的
teach 教導


  1. Where are people learning to climb trees like monkeys?
    A: Kaohsiung
    B: South Africa
    C: Spain

  2. Are people monkeys?
    A: No, we are fish!
    B: No, we are a kind of ape!
    C: No, we are trees!

  3. What do people call the climb-like-a-monkey teacher?
    A: Tarzan
    B: Zoltan
    C: He-Man


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A