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Walrus to get Floating Sofa

Walrus to get Floating Sofa

News For Kids

2021/10/05 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Hi everyone, today I want to talk to you about an animal called a walrus…

Walrus… 海象。 They have long teeth called tusks, a bit like an elephant. 海象有長長的牙齒,有點兒像大象。

They love the water and swimming, and they can grow really big! 牠們非常的愛玩水,游泳,而且身體會長很大ㄛ!

One walrus called Wally the Walrus, likes to visit a harbor in Ireland. 有一頭名叫Wally的海象,喜歡去愛爾蘭的海港。

But big Wally is causing big problems. 但是大Wally造成大問題。

When Wally wants to take a rest, he sometimes crawls up onto peoples' boats. But Wally is really heavy!

Sometimes Wally breaks things and even sinks the boats! Wally 累了想要休息,會爬上一艘船,但是牠太重了,有時候會把船弄破,甚至把船弄沉!

The people want to help Wally the Walrus but they don't want him to sink their boats!

So next time Wally comes to the harbor, they will give him a special sofa that floats on the water! Wally下次再來海港,要給牠會漂浮的沙發!

Next time Wally gets tired he can just get on his floating sofa and take a little nap. I think I'll take a little nap.


喜歡親近人的海象Wally, 下次有漂浮沙發可以睡覺了。

  1. Sofa 沙發。
    A floating sofa for a walrus! 給海象坐漂浮沙發!
    What a lovely idea! 真是個可愛的主意!
    I want to sit on a floating sofa in a swimming pool. 我想要坐在游泳池裡的漂浮沙發上。

  2. Rest 休息。
    I'm tired. Let's take a rest. 我累了,我們休息一會兒吧。
    Okay, we can rest here with a nice view of the sea. 好啊,就在這裡有海景的地方休息吧。

  3. Boat 船。
    Look at that fishing boat. 你看那艘漁船。
    It looks like a very old boat. 看起來是一艘很舊的船。
    Indeed. 確實是。
    I hope it doesn't sink. 希望它不要沉下去。

  4. Take a nap 小睡一下。
    Can I take a nap? 我可以睡一下嗎?
    No problem. I'll just keep driving. 沒問題,我就繼續開車。

sofa 沙發
rest 休息
boat 船
take a nap 小睡一下


  1. What animal is talked about in the story?
    a. An elephant
    b. A walrus
    c. A whale

  2. What is the animal's name?
    a. Wally
    b. William
    c. Lucy

  3. What are people giving the animal?
    a. A flying chair
    b.A floating sofa
    c. A soft bed

1: B
2: A
3: B