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New Marine Parks Protect Ocean

New Marine Parks Protect Ocean

News For Kids

2022/06/17 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


GASP! That was so fun! I love snorkeling!

Have you been snorkeling?

Snorkeling is when you swim around on the surface of the ocean, and you look at things under the water.

There are so many interesting things to see in the ocean! Such as fish, turtles, jellyfish, coral, and sometimes even sharks!

But the ocean is in trouble. There is too much pollution, and this is hurting the oceans. It is hurting the sea animals too. We need to protect the ocean.

One way that Australia is protecting the ocean is by making two marine parks. A marine park is a "sea park", so it is like a park in the ocean!

And these parks are very, very big. They are seven hundred and forty-four thousand square kilometers large! Do you know how big that is? That is the size of about twenty Taiwans!

These parks are protected. That means there are rules that help make sure the water stays clean, and the animals stay safe.

This is important, because if we don't protect the animals, one day they might be gone forever.

So remember to protect the environment, and keep garbage out of the oceans!


  1. swim 游泳
    Swimming is the best thing to do in summer. 夏天最棒的事就是游泳。
    I agree. Especially if you can swim in the ocean. 我同意,尤其假如你能在海裡游泳的話。

  2. under the water 在水下
    It's so nice to be under the water. 在水底下真好!
    Yeah, sometimes you get to see fish too. 是啊,有的時候還可以看到魚。

  3. size 尺寸
    The size of this swimming pool is amazing! 這個游泳池的尺寸真驚人!
    I think it's an Olympic-size pool. 我想這是個奧運大小的游泳池。

  4. forever 永遠
    Kate is moving to the U.K. 凱特要搬去英國了。
    I know. She'll be gone forever. 我知道,她會永遠離開了。
    Forever? So she's not coming back? 永遠嗎?所以她不回來了?
    Nope. 不了。

Would you like to visit a marine park? Let's read today's vocabulary.
swim 游泳
under the water 在水下
size 尺寸
forever 永遠


  1. What country created marine parks in this story?
    A: Australia
    B: Taiwan
    C: USA

  2. How big is the total size of the marine parks?
    A: About the size of 20 Pacific Oceans
    B: About the size of 20 Taiwans
    C: The size of Australia

  3. What is a marine park?
    A: A park in the forest
    B: A park in the sky
    C: A park in the ocean


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C