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Elk with Tire Around Its Neck for 2 Years Finally Free

Elk with Tire Around Its Neck for 2 Years Finally Free

News For Kids

2021/12/08 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Argh! My arms are so tired from carrying all these heavy boxes!

I am moving into a new apartment today.

I have packed up all my belongings into boxes, and I have been moving all of my things into my new home.

Carrying heavy things all day has made me so tired.

But you know what could be worse? If I had to carry heavy things for two years!

That's what happened to an elk in the U.S.

An elk is a kind of deer with large horns. This elk carried a very heavy car tire around its neck for two years!

The tire must have accidentally gotten around its neck a long time ago. And as the elk grew bigger and its horns grew larger, the tire got stuck around its neck, and he couldn't get the tire off.

Luckily, some nice people finally caught the elk and helped take the tire off. They did this by cutting the elk's horns. Don't worry! Cutting off the elk's horns did not hurt it. This way, they could pull the tire off the elk's neck.
終於有人抓到這一隻麋鹿,把牠的角割掉,然後把輪胎拿掉。不要擔心! 這樣做鹿不會受傷。

Experts say the tire weighed about 16 kilograms.

I'm glad they were able to help the elk. He must have felt so much better after getting that tire off his neck!


  1. Carry 揹,拿著。
    Why are you carrying so many things? 你為什麼拿著這麼多東西?
    I'm going camping tomorrow. 我明天要去露營。
    That's why I need to carry these to my car. 這是為什麼我得把這些拿上車。

  2. Neck 脖子。
    You will hurt your neck with that bag hanging around it. 你的脖子掛那個袋子會受傷的。
    Don't worry. My neck should be fine. 別擔心,我的脖子應該還好。

  3. Heavy 沉重的。
    This is so heavy! 這好重!
    What did you put in this bag? 你這個袋子裡放了什麼?
    Just five books and water. 只有五本書和水。
    It's not heavy for me. 對我來說不重。

  4. Cut off 切斷。
    My phone line is cut off. 我的電話線被切斷了。
    Because you didn't pay your bill? 因為你沒有付電話費嗎?
    I think so. 我想是。

Please read the words after me.
carry 揹,拿著
neck 脖子
heavy 沉重的
cut off 切斷


  1. What animal is mentioned in this story?
    a. An elk
    b. A moose
    c. An elephant

  2. What did the elk have around its neck?
    a. A tire
    b. A hoolahoop
    c. A collar

  3. How did people help the elk?
    a. They cut off the thing around its neck
    b. They cut off its horns
    c. They gave it instructions


  1. A
  2. A
  3. B