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70% Fewer Animals Today

70% Fewer Animals Today

News For Kids

2022/12/05 | 00:05:07 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Today, I want to talk about animal conservation, or saving animals. Why? Well, today is World Wildlife Conservation Day.

Conservation means saving something. Water conservation means saving water. Energy conservation means saving energy.
"Conservation" 就是節約,或是保育。我們可以節約用水,或是節約能源。

Did you know that there are fewer animals today than ever before? An organization called the World Wildlife Fund says there are 70% fewer animals today than in 1970!

That's terrible. Why is this happening? One reason is because people are cutting down lots of trees, especially in the Amazon.

Animals that need the trees to live are in real trouble.

Another problem is pollution, and climate change.

Some animals have gone down even more than 70 percent. For example, the World Wildlife Fund talks about a type of gorilla from Brazil that's down by 80%!

The animals need our help! Soon, it could be too late…


  1. water 水
    Jane, you're wasting too much water. 你用太多水了。
    I'm brushing my teeth. I need water. 我在刷牙,我需要水。

  2. trouble 麻煩
    With so much rain, our water supply is not in trouble. 下那麼多雨,我們的自來水供應又沒有問題。
    That's not the point. 那不是重點。
    The Earth is in trouble. 是地球有麻煩了。

  3. cut down 砍掉
    Did you cut down my orange tree? 你是不是把我的橘子樹砍掉了?
    What?! No! 什麼? 我沒有!
    Why would I do that? 我為什麼要那樣?
    Because it's not there now. 因為它現在不在那裏了。

  4. another 另一個
    Let me check. 我來瞧瞧。
    You've put the pot in another place. 你把花盆放在另外一個地方了。
    See, it's right here! 你看,就在這兒。

Let's read these words.
water 水
trouble 麻煩
cut down 砍掉
another 另一個


  1. What does "conservation" mean?
    A: Using something
    B: Saving something
    C: Wasting something

  2. How much have animal populations gone down?
    A: 7 percent
    B: 17 percent
    C: 70 percent

  3. Which environmental problem is NOT mentioned?
    A: Pollution
    B: Cutting down trees
    C: Plastic in the ocean


  1. C
  2. C