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Bird Songs Beat Pop

Bird Songs Beat Pop

News For Kids

2022/01/20 | 00:05:30 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


If you listen to ICRT, you can hear all the newest pop songs.

ICRT can also tell you what the top ten pop albums are in Taiwan, Japan, America, the U.K., and lots of other places.

But, you will never guess what pop album was in the top ten in Australia just last month… actually, it was in the top 5! Do you know why you will never guess? Because it's not a pop album!

One of the top five albums in Australia last month was an album of bird sounds!

Bird sounds! Yep! Cool, huh?

The bird song album is special. It has the sounds of more than 50 birds in Australia that need help.

If people don't do more to help these birds, they might go extinct! Like the dinosaurs.

No more bird songs from these Australian birds… ever!

So, some scientists recorded the birds' songs and made an album.

People in Australia saw the album and said, "Yeah! I want to hear those bird sounds. And, if I buy the album, the money will go to help the birds!"

And then lots of people bought it! And pushed the bird song album into the top five!

What a great story!


  1. Song 歌曲。
    Listen to this song. 你聽這首歌。
    This is not a song! 這不是歌!
    It's birds chirping. 這是鳥的叫聲。
    But it's like a beautiful song. 但是它就像一首美妙的歌。

  2. Sound 聲音。
    Well, I think they are the sounds that birds make. 我覺得是鳥在發出很多聲音。
    Sounds that are like music. 好像音樂一樣的聲音。

  3. Pop music 流行音樂。
    I prefer pop music. 我比較喜歡流行音樂。
    Like Jay Chou's songs? 比如說周杰倫的歌曲嗎?
    Yeah, or Mayday's music. 是的,或者是五月天的音樂。

  4. Extinct 絕種。
    Many birds are going extinct. 很多鳥正走向滅絕。
    Yeah, we may never see them again. 對啊,我們可能再也看不到牠們了。

song 歌曲
sound 聲音
pop music 流行音樂
extinct 絕種


  1. What is an 'album'?
    A: Songs or music
    B: A dinosaur
    C: A bird

  2. What place does the story happen in?
    A: Australia
    B: The North Pole
    C: Canada

  3. Why did so many people buy the bird song album?
    A: To hear the birds, and help save them
    B: Because they will give it to their cats
    C: Because they don't like pop music


  1. A
  2. A
  3. A