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Kids in Jail in the USA

Kids in Jail in the USA

News For Kids

2023/06/02 | 00:05:12 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Narrator: Guys! Listen up! Two kids were arrested! The police put them in jail!

The kids were fighting in the street. They were running into each other. They were fighting with their heads!

Some people saw the fight. One person said the kids had "been fighting all weekend".

Some people were worried. They didn't want the kids to get hurt. So they called the police.

The police came and pulled the kids apart.

Police: Come on, you two!

Narrator: The kids were very angry! They wanted to keep fighting!

The police took them to the police station. The kids spent a night in jail.

The next day, their owner came and took them home.

Wait! Their owner?! Kids don't have owners, do they? They have mothers and fathers and teachers… but no one owns them. Right?!

Well, these kids have an owner. You see, they aren't people like you and me. These kids are goats!

Yep! A 'kid' is a young goat…like a puppy is a young dog, and a kitten is a young cat!
"Kid" 除了是小孩,也是小山羊的意思。就像 puppy 是小狗,kitten 是小貓。

So, two young goats went to jail for fighting. Those are some baaaaaaad kids!


  1. get hurt 受傷
    Come on, boys, knock it off! 好啦,孩子們,該停止了!
    You may get hurt! 你們可能會受傷。

  2. fight 打架
    Why do boys like fighting? 為什麼男生喜歡打架?
    I don't know. 我不知道。
    Girls fight too, but not with their fists. 女生也會,只是不用拳頭。
    Yeah, girls fight with words. 對,女生用語言。

  3. listen 注意聽
    They say things to hurt each other. 她們說一些話傷害對方。
    Sometimes people just need to listen. 有時候大家只要聆聽就好了。

4.angry 生氣的
They can't if they're very angry. 假如他們很生氣就做不到。
Right, I can't when I'm angry. 對,我生氣的時候就沒辦法。

get hurt 受傷
fight 打架
listen 注意聽
angry 生氣的


  1. What do we call a young goat?
    A: A puppy
    B: A kitten
    C: A kid

  2. How long did the goats spend in jail?
    A: A weekend
    B: A night
    C: A month

  3. What were the goats fighting with?
    A: Their heads
    B: Their hands
    C: Their teachers


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A