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Candles that Smell Like Meatballs

Candles that Smell Like Meatballs

News For Kids

2021/09/15 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


A candle that smells like a meatball? 嗄?一個聞起來像肉丸的蠟燭 Ha! That's really funny!

I like candles… candles look so pretty. But… we need to be very careful. Children should never play with fire, and candles can be dangerous. 小朋友不要玩火,蠟燭有時候很危險的。

We have some candles at my home. They smell nice. My mom and dad light the candles… and the house smells nice! 我爸媽點蠟燭後, 家裡就很香。

Sometimes our candles smell like flowers. 有時候味道像花。 Sometimes our candles smell like the forest有時候像森林。

But one company is making new candles… that smell like meatballs! Ah! That's so funny. They hope people smell the candles… and buy more meatballs! 這家公司希望人點了這種蠟燭之後,會買更多的肉丸。

I don't think I want my candles to smell like meatballs! Maybe they could smell like candy… or ice cream… but not meatballs! 我希望聞到的蠟燭味是糖果味或是冰淇淋的氣味。

I like things that smell good. Meatballs smell good… but I don't think I want my house to smell like meatballs. 肉丸很香,但你會想整個家有肉丸的味道嗎?

How about you? What smells do you like? Hmm… A candle that smells like meatballs? So funny!



1) Candle 蠟燭。
Candles are so romantic, don't you think? 蠟燭好浪漫,你不覺得嗎?
Indeed. They give light and a sense of warmth. 確實是,蠟燭會發光,給人溫暖的感覺。

2) Company 公司。
I hope to work in a big company. 我希望在大公司工作。
A big company like Google? 就像谷歌那樣的大公司?
Yeah, like that. 對,就像那樣。

3) Nice 很好的。
What a nice day! 天氣真好!
Let's go to Yangmingshan! 我們去陽明山吧。
It'll only be nice in the morning, 只有上午天氣好,it'll rain this afternoon. 今天下午會下雨。

4) Want 想要。
But I really want to do some hiking. 可是我真的想要去健行。
Ok, then let's go. 好吧,我們就去吧。

candle 蠟燭
company 公司
nice 很好的
want 想要


  1. Why should you be careful with candles?
    A: Because fire is dangerous!
    B: Because candles smell like meatballs
    C: Because candles are funny

  2. What does "smell like" mean in Chinese?
    A: Hen Hao Wen 很好聞
    B: Bu Hao Wen 不好聞
    C: Wen Qi Lai Xiang 聞起來像

  3. What do some new candles smell like?
    A: The zoo
    B: Meatballs
    C: A wet dog

1: A
2: C
3: B