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England Wins Women's Rugby Championship

England Wins Women's Rugby Championship

News For Kids

2022/05/20 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Oooof! That looked like it really hurt!

I'm watching a game of rugby, have you ever seen one before? They are crazy, but they look fun! You have to be very strong to play!

Every year there are two very big rugby games in Europe, called the Six Nations. One is for women to play, and one is for men.

The women's Six Nations is only 20 years old, but the men's Six Nations is nearly 140 years old! Isn't that silly?!

It is because some people used to think that women should not play rugby. A long time ago in England there were even some big fights about it.

But now things are very different. Lots of women now love playing rugby all over the world! And in England the women's teams are now much better than the men's!

In 2014 England won the Women's Rugby World Cup! And this year they won the Women's Six Nations! England has now won it 12 times!

So all those silly people were wrong: women can play rugby, really really well! The Women's Rugby World Cup is in November this year… I can't wait!


  1. game 遊戲,比賽
    There's a baseball game this weekend. 這周末有棒球賽。
    That sounds fun! 聽起來很有趣!
    Are you going to the game? 你會去看那場比賽嗎?
    I am. I'm a big fan. 我會,我是大球迷。

  2. win 贏
    Which team would you like to win? 你希望哪一隊贏?
    The CTBC Brothers, of course. 當然是中信兄弟。
    They won the title last year, didn't they? 他們贏得去年冠軍,對嗎?
    Yeah. 對。

  3. play 玩
    Do you play baseball? 你打棒球嗎?
    Only when I was little. 只有在我小時候。
    I don't enjoy playing it now. 我現在不喜歡打了。

  4. better 比較好
    It's better to just watch it. 光是看比較好。
    Because it's much easier. 因為容易多了。
    Exactly. 正是這樣。

game 遊戲,比賽
win 贏
play 玩
better 比較好


  1. How old is the Women's Six Nations?
    A: 20 years
    B: 2 years
    C: 200 years

  2. How many times has England won the Women's Six Nations?
    A: Sometimes
    B: One time
    C: 12 times

  3. When is the Women's Rugby World Cup this year?
    A: August
    B: June
    C: November


  1. A
  2. C
  3. C