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Dinosaur Skeleton Sold in New York

Dinosaur Skeleton Sold in New York

News For Kids

2022/09/02 | 00:05:38 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Hey there! Today, We're at an auction house!

Auction houses are a bit like shopping malls… people go to them to buy things.

Say you want to buy a new hat. In an auction house, they only have one very special hat, and lots of people want to buy it!

The auction house has to decide who gets to buy it. They do this by asking everyone how much money they would like to spend. This is called "bidding". Whoever bids the most money gets the hat!

Now, let's say you don't want a hat. Instead you want… a dinosaur skeleton! You can't get that at the mall!

Well, a famous auction house in New York just sold a dinosaur skeleton for LOTS of money: nearly 6 million dollars!

This type of dinosaur is called a Gorgosaurus. They think it is nearly 77 million years old!

It's special, because all the other Gorgosaurus skeletons we have found are in museums, so people can study them and keep them safe. This is the first one ever to be sold to just one person!

Do you think it's better for a dinosaur skeleton to be in a museum, for lots of people to enjoy? Or do you think it would be fun to have one in your house just for you?

What would you do with it?!


  1. buy 買
    Let's go to the shopping mall on Saturday. 我們星期六去購物中心吧。
    What do you want to buy? 你想買什麼?
    I'd like to check out something. 我想去找些東西。

  2. spend 花錢
    Don't spend too much money on toys. 別花太多錢在玩具上。
    Hats aren't toys. 帽子不是玩具。
    I don't think they sell hats there. 我想那裏不賣帽子。

  3. sell 賣
    Sure they do. 當然有賣。
    They sell all kinds of hats at the mall. 購物中心有賣各種帽子。
    Yeah, I forgot there is a hat store. 對,我忘了有一家帽子店。

  4. museum 博物館
    But the hats you like belong in a museum. 不過你喜歡的帽子屬於博物館。
    That's not true. 才不會呢。
    Museums don't have my taste. 博物館沒有我的品味。

buy 買
spend 花錢
sell 賣
museum 博物館


  1. How do you buy things at an auction house?
    A: By bidding the least money
    B: By bidding the most money
    C: By baking a cake

  2. What was a Gorgosaurus?
    A: A dinosaur
    B: A bowl of soup
    C: A big fat cat

  3. How old do they think this Gorgosaurus skeleton is?
    A: 7 hundred years old
    B: 17 thousand years old
    C: 77 million years old


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C