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Mosquitoes Like to Bite Some People More Than Others

Mosquitoes Like to Bite Some People More Than Others

News For Kids

2022/11/22 | 00:05:10 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Aiyah! Go away, mosquitoes! I've only been outside for 5 minutes and I already have 5 mosquito bites!

I always tell people that mosquitoes like to bite me more than other people, and people don't believe me.

But, it's true! Scientists found out mosquitoes do like some people more than others.

Mosquitoes can actually see the air we breathe out. That's how they can find us and bite us!

But now, scientists say mosquitoes also have another way to find people… Smell!

All human bodies have a smell.

But some people's smell is a bit different. We can't smell it, but the mosquitoes can! And when they smell that special smell, it's like chocolate and candy for them!

There's nothing we can do to change our smell, but maybe we can find new ways to cover the smell, to make mosquitoes stay away.

Ah, that would be so nice!

What? Another bite? These mosquitoes love me, but I don't love them!


  1. go away 走開
    It's so nice and quiet here. 這裡真好真安靜。
    Until mosquitoes come! 蚊子一來就不是了。
    Why don't they just go away? 牠們怎麼就是不走開?

  2. human body 人體
    Are you kidding? Their night has just begun. 開玩笑,牠們的夜晚才剛開始。
    And they like us, two warm human bodies. 而且蚊子喜歡我們,兩具溫暖的人體。

  3. smell 聞,氣味
    Let me cover my smell with perfume. 我來擦點香水遮掉氣味。
    No, you don't want to do that. 你可別那麼做。
    They'll smell you even faster. 牠們會更快聞到你。

  4. bite 叮咬
    I've got another bite! 我又被叮了一口!
    Let's go inside. 我們進屋子裡吧。

Let's read the vocabulary.
go away 走開
human body 人體
smell 聞,氣味
bite 叮咬


  1. What can mosquitoes do?
    A: Eat pizza
    B: See and smell people
    C: Read books

  2. What did scientists learn about mosquitoes?
    A: They like some people's smell
    B: They like some people's hair
    C: They like some people's shoes

3. What are scientists trying to do?
A: Cover people's smell
B: See people in the dark
C: Talk to mosquitoes


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A