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Sheep Has Nearly 20 Kilograms of Fleece

Sheep Has Nearly 20 Kilograms of Fleece

News For Kids

2022/06/10 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

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Hey students! Have you ever been to Qingjin Farm? It's in Nantou County.

It's a great place to see sheep. You can watch the sheep run. And you can watch the sheep getting sheared.

Do you know what the hair of sheep is called? No, it's not called hair. It isn't called fur, either. It's called fleece. Sheep have a lot of fleece.
Fleece 就是羊毛。

Today, I want to talk about a special sheep named Shrekapo in New Zealand. New Zealand has a lot of sheep. Shrekapo had a lot of fleece. I mean really a lot. Most sheep have about five kilograms of fleece. But Shrekapo had almost 20 kilograms of fleece!
一般的綿羊大概有五公斤的羊毛。但在紐西蘭,有一隻叫做 Shrekapo 的綿羊有快二十公斤的羊毛!

Why did that sheep have so much fleece? It's because it ran away from a farm. It was missing for a few years. That means no one sheared that sheep for three years! That's why it had nearly 20 kilograms of fleece.

Shrekapo had so much fleece it couldn't see. Its fleece was covering its eyes.

They found Shrekapo near a lake in New Zealand in April. Then, they sheared the animal. I think Shrekapo feels a lot better now. And he can see now, too!

迷途3年的綿羊 剪下來的羊毛多達20公斤。

1) kilogram 公斤
Losing 20 kilograms is a lot for a sheep. 失掉20公斤 對一頭羊來說很多呢。
Yeah, a sheep usually weighs just 45 kilograms. 一頭綿羊通常只有45公斤重。

2) hair 毛髮
Imagine having 20 kilograms of hair. 想像一下擁有重20公斤的頭髮。
The hair must be very long! 那頭髮一定很長!
I prefer short hair. 我比較喜歡短頭髮。

3) cover 遮住
Why are you covering your eye? 你為什麼遮住一隻眼睛?
Because I was hit by a ball. 因為我被球打到。
It hurts a lot. 很痛呢!

4) better 比較好
Are you feeling better now? 你現在覺得好些了嗎?
I am. Much better. 好多了。
Luckily my left eye works just fine. 幸運的是我的左眼很管用.

kilogram 公斤
hair 毛髮
cover 遮住
better 比較好


  1. Why was Shrekapo a special sheep?
    A: It was such a fat sheep
    B: It had so much fleece
    C: It had fur, not fleece

  2. What problem did Shrekapo have?
    A: It couldn't walk
    B: It couldn't hear
    C: It couldn't see

  3. How much fleece do most sheep have?
    A: About 2 kilograms
    B: About 5 kilograms
    C: About 20 kilograms


  1. B
  2. C
  3. B