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Thailand's Tuk-Tuks Go Green

Thailand's Tuk-Tuks Go Green

News For Kids

2023/03/23 | 00:05:14 | SoundOn #education

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Have you been to Thailand? It's a great place to visit. Thailand has spicy food, hot weather, and beautiful beaches.

Everywhere in Thailand, there are lots of tuk-tuks. What's a tuk-tuk? It's a little car with only three wheels.

They're an easy way to go anywhere fast. It's easy to find a tuk-tuk, and the driver will take you anywhere you want.

Tuk-tuks are super useful. But they have two big problems…

One, they're loud! They always make a loud noise, like "tuk tuk tuk tuk". That's why they're called "tuk-tuks".

Two, they make a lot of pollution. The tuk-tuk's gas engines cause these two problems. These engines are noisy and dirty.
它們會污染環境。 因為嘟嘟車的引擎又吵又髒,才會有這些問題。

But now, tuk-tuks are going green. These tuk-tuks use electricity, not gas.

The green tuk-tuks are cleaner and quieter. Now people enjoy cleaner, fresher air, and they can enjoy the quieter sounds of Thailand, too.

More and more tuk-tuks are going green. If you visit Thailand, give one of their new green tuk-tuks a try!


  1. beach 海灘
    Wow, sandy beaches, spicy food, parks everywhere… 哇,沙灘,辛辣的美食,到處都有公園…
    Are you talking about Vietnam? 你在講越南嗎?

  2. problem 問題
    No, Thailand. I'm looking at this ad about Phuket. 不,泰國。我在看普吉島的廣告。
    Just go! 你就去吧!
    The problem is I'm too busy to take time off. 問題是我太忙了,沒時間休假。

  3. air 空氣
    You're not always busy. 你又不是一直忙。
    That's true. 這是真的。
    So go and enjoy the sea air. 所以去享受海風吧。

  4. anywhere 任何地方
    But I can go anywhere in Taiwan for that. 不過我在台灣可以去任何地方追海風。
    Hey, you're right, I'll go with you! 說得對,我跟你一起去。

beach 海灘
problem 問題
air 空氣
anywhere 任何地方


  1. How many wheels does a tuk-tuk have?
    A: Two wheels
    B: Three wheels
    C: Four wheels

  2. What are the new green tuk-tuks like?
    A: Clean and quiet
    B: Dirty and loud
    C: Big and slow

  3. What do the new green tuk-tuks use instead of gas?
    A: Pollution
    B: Spicy food
    C: Electricity


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C