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NASA's 'Slingshot' to Space

NASA's 'Slingshot' to Space

News For Kids

2022/06/02 | 00:05:32 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Can you throw a baseball really far? I can't.

But, when I spin my arm around and around and then throw a baseball, the ball flies farther.

Spinning around and around gives the ball more energy. This is called "momentum".

When something has a lot of momentum, it can be thrown really far!

NASA is the American space agency. They want to try using lots of momentum to send rockets to space using no fuel!

A machine with an "arm" will hold the rocket and start spinning. It will keep spinning and spinning and spinning, until it gets up to 5,000 kilometers per hour!

Then… whoosh! The arm of the machine will let go! And the rocket will fly straight up from the earth. It will fly up into the sky and all the way into space!

It's a really cool idea because it doesn't need any fuel. So it saves money and it doesn't cause any pollution.


  1. rocket 火箭
    How does a spaceship go into space? 太空船是怎麼進太空的?
    The rocket pushes it into space. 火箭把它推進太空。

  2. throw 扔
    Come on, throw the ball to me. 來把球扔給我。
    That's too high! 太高了!
    Sorry about that. I'll throw better this time. 真抱歉,這次我會投好一點。

  3. machine 機器
    Name a machine that changed the world. 你說一個改變世界的機器。
    An elevator? 升降機如何?
    Yeah, without it we wouldn't have tall buildings. 對,沒有它我們就沒有高樓。

  4. arm 手臂
    That man has robot arms. 那個人有機器手臂。
    Wow, he must be very strong! 哇,那他一定很強壯!
    And he can get pizza right from the oven. 他也可以直接從烤箱裡拿披薩。

Let's read the words together.
rocket 火箭
throw 扔
machine 機器
arm 手臂


  1. How will this new rocket get into space?
    A: By spinning really fast on earth and then shooting up into the sky
    B: By using a new, super big engine
    C: By going underwater and then shooting up in the sky

  2. How fast will the machine "arm" spin before letting the rocket go?
    A: 5,000 kilometers per hour
    B: 50 kilometers per hour
    C: 450,000 kilometers per hour

  3. What does spinning really fast do?
    A: It gives things more energy
    B: It makes you happy
    C: It makes things go slower


  1. A
  2. A
  3. A