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The Octopus with 9 Legs

The Octopus with 9 Legs

News For Kids

2021/10/01 | 00:05:35 | SoundOn #education

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Everybody knows that a person has two legs, a cat has four legs, and an octopus has eight legs, right? 章魚有8隻腳對吧?

Well, yeah, usually. But in Japan, a family got a little surprise before dinner one night. Their octopus had nine legs! 日本的一家人正在準備享用章魚,卻發現那隻章魚有9隻腳!

Instead of thinking "Mmmm… more dinner."

They thought "Hmmm… This should go to a museum!"

So they sent the octopus away. 他們決定送章魚到博物館。

An expert from the museum said the octopus can help people learn about the ocean.

But why did the octopus have an extra leg?

The expert said that when an octopus loses a leg, it can usually grow a new leg to replace the lost one! 博物館的專家說,如果章魚失去一隻腳,牠會再生一隻新的! Amazing!

The octopus with 9 legs may have hurt one leg and grew a new one by accident! It never lost the leg though, so it had eight legs… plus the new one! That's nine legs!

It would be pretty cool if we could do that, right? Unfortunately we can't, so remember to take care of yourselves! 如果我們也有這種再生的能力,可就太酷了!



  1. Grow 生長。
    Can you imagine growing a new hand? 你能想像生出一隻新的手嗎?
    Then I'd have 3 hands. 那我就有三隻手了。
    That's not good. 這可不妙。

  2. Amazing 驚人的。
    Isn't the octopus an amazing animal? 章魚可不是好驚人的動物?
    It is. The most amazing thing is that it can change color. 是的,牠最驚人的地方是可以變顏色。

  3. Replace 取代。
    You should buy a new phone to replace the old one. 你應該買支新手機取代舊的。
    No, I love my old phone. I don't want to replace it. 不要,我喜歡舊手機,我不想換掉它。

  4. Take care of 照顧。
    Please take care of my pet when I'm away. 我不在家的時候請照顧我的寵物。
    I will, don't worry. 我會,別擔心。

Let's read the words together.
grow 生長
amazing 驚人的
replace 取代
take care of 照顧


  1. Which one of these animals is in the story?
    a. A pig
    b. A shrimp
    c. An octopus

  2. How many legs did the animal in the story have?
    a. Three
    b. Nine
    c. Fourteen

  3. What amazing thing can this animal do?
    a. It can grow new legs
    b. It can jump over a bus
    c. It can drive a bus

1: C
2: B
3: A