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Made in Taiwan Electric Buses in Kaohsiung

Made in Taiwan Electric Buses in Kaohsiung

News For Kids

2022/04/07 | 00:05:35 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


I'm sure you have seen electric cars and electric scooters on the roads in Taiwan, right?

There are now lots of different electric vehicles.

In Kaohsiung, there are quite a few electric buses. You can see them in other parts of Taiwan, too… but there are a lot in Kaohsiung.

The electric buses in Kaohsiung are so quiet… they only make a small humming sound. But, those electric buses are not made in Taiwan.

People at a very big company in Taiwan said, "Hey! We should make electric buses here!" And now they have! Kaohsiung has already bought one… and the city is going to buy many, many more!

Now, every time a bus gets too old, Kaohsiung will buy a new electric bus! And now, these buses will be made in Taiwan!

It's not easy to make an electric bus. They need very big and strong batteries to power such a big vehicle. But, the made in Taiwan electric bus is super strong!

It will take people back and forth from the High-Speed Rail Station in Zuoying to the new E Sky Land department store.

Soon, Kaohsiung will buy more electric buses… and one day, all the buses in the city will be electric!


  1. Vehicle 交通工具
    We now have many different electric vehicles. 我們現在有好多不同的電動交通工具。
    Let me see… scooters, bikes, cars, and buses. 我看看,有機車,腳踏車,汽車和巴士。

  2. Made in Taiwan 台灣製造
    Are they all made in Taiwan? 它們都是台灣製的嗎?
    Probably not. 可能不是。
    I know some of them are made in Europe. 我知道有些是歐洲製。

  3. Battery 電池
    My cell phone doesn't work ! 我的手機都不動!
    I think your battery is out. 我想是你的電池沒電了。

  4. Department store 百貨公司
    Can I buy the battery in a department store? 我可以在百貨公司買到電池嗎?
    Of course. Just go to a place that sells cell phones. 當然。你只要去一家賣手機的地方就好。

vehicle 交通工具
made in Taiwan 台灣製造
battery 電池
department store 百貨公司


  1. Where are there a lot of electric buses?
    A: Hualien
    B: Kenting
    C: Kaohsiung

  2. What is special about the new electric bus in the story?
    A: It is made in Taiwan!
    B: It can turn into a boat!
    C: It's super tiny!

  3. What is the plan in Kaohsiung City?
    A: When a bus gets too old, they will buy a new, electric bus
    B: When a bus gets too old, they will push it in the Love River
    C: When a bus gets too old, they will buy an airplane

1: C
2: A
3: A