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Cuttlefish Memories

Cuttlefish Memories

News For Kids

2021/09/20 | 00:05:37 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Hi, everyone! I've got another interesting story for you today, but first, I want to ask you a quick question. 講故事之前,我先問你們一個問題。

What did you have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day last week?

Can't remember? That's okay. A lot of people would have trouble remembering all that. 你們上星期每天吃什麼? 忘記了嗎?沒關係。

But do you know what could easily remember all that? An animal called a cuttlefish. 但是烏賊就會記得喔!

Scientists gave cuttlefish a test. They wanted to see if they could remember what they ate, where they ate it, and when they ate it. And guess what? They could! Cuttlefish have great memories! 科學家測驗烏賊記不記得,之前吃過什麼,在哪裡吃的,還有什麼時候吃的.烏賊都答得出來! 牠們的記憶力很強!

People will often forget things. Do you ever forget things? I know I do! And I've got bad news, kids. Our memories usually get worse as we get older. 人類老化,記憶力通常會減退。

Anyway… What were we talking about? Oh, yeah! Cuttlefish!

The other cool thing about cuttlefish is their memories stay strong.

In the test the scientists gave them, the older cuttlefish did just as well as the young cuttlefish! 但是烏賊不論年老還是年輕,記憶力一樣好!

Cuttlefish have great memories! So don't forget it!



  1. Memory 記憶。
    I didn't know that cuttlefish have great memories. 我不知道烏賊有超強記憶力。
    I know that elephants' memories stay strong. 我知道大象可以維持很強的記憶。

  2. Remember 記得。
    Do you remember your old friends' names? 你記得老朋友的名字嗎?
    I can only remember some of them. 我只記得其中幾個。

  3. Ask 問。
    Why do you ask? 你為什麼問?
    Because I can't remember any of my old classmates. 因為我記不起來任何老同學。

  4. Question 問題。
    Scientists often ask many questions. 科學家經常提出很多問題。
    Right, and they try hard to find the answers. 沒錯,他們也很努力尋找答案。

Would you read the words with me?


  1. What kind of animal is the story about?
    a. Cats
    b. Goldfish
    c. Cuttlefish

  2. What did scientists do with these animals?
    a. They gave them a test
    b. They talked to them
    c. They gave them cool hairstyles

  3. What did they find out about these animals?
    a. They can run really fast
    b. They can eat a lot
    c. Their memories stay strong even when they are old

1: C
2: A
3: C