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The Ocean Cleanup's Latest Test a Success

The Ocean Cleanup's Latest Test a Success

News For Kids

2021/12/02 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

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Ah, what a beautiful day to be at the beach.

Ew! Why is there so much garbage?

Many beaches have a lot of garbage buried in the sand.

There is also a lot of garbage floating in the oceans.

There is so much trash in the ocean that a lot of it has become a giant pile of garbage in the Pacific Ocean. People call it The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Scientists think this garbage patch is 1.6 million square kilometers in size. That is about three times the size of France!

Luckily, there is an organization called the Ocean Cleanup Project that is trying to fix the problem. This organization invented a kind of net that can scoop garbage out of the water.

They weren't sure if they could do it, but their latest experiments show the net is working!

And the best part is, the net doesn't hurt any sea animals. The net is designed so that sea animals don't get trapped in it.

That's great, but do you know what the best way is to protect the oceans? Don't put garbage in it in the first place!


  1. Net 網子。
    My poor cat is trapped in the net! 我可憐的貓被網子困住了。
    This is one big net! 這個網子超大的!
    Yeah, it's a mosquito net. 對,這是個蚊帳。

  2. The best way 最好的方法。
    The best way to get your cat out is to cut the net open. 把你的貓弄出來最好的辦法是把網子剪開。
    I guess that's the only way. 我想那是唯一的辦法。

  3. Protect 保護。
    We need to protect the ocean from pollution. 我們需要保護海洋不受汙染。
    It's already polluted. 它已經被汙染了。
    That means we must protect it more. 這表示我們必須更保護它。

  4. Problem 問題。
    Garbage is a big problem. 垃圾是個大問題。
    It sure is. 確實是。

Let's read the words together.
net 網子
the best way 最好的方法
protect 保護
problem 問題


  1. What is the garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean called?
    a. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
    b. The Great Atlantic Garbage Patch
    c. Garbage Mountain

  2. How big is it?
    a. Three times the size of Taiwan
    b. Three times the size of the U.S.
    c. Three times the size of France

  3. What is the organization mentioned in this story called?
    a. The Ocean Cleanup Project
    b. The Ocean Avengers
    c. Aquaman's Super Cleanup Crew


  1. A
  2. C
  3. A